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It is probably a cyst forming on the ovary so that you don't drop anymore eggs (which is normal) Could be a tubal pregnancy. I would get it checked out. I am a nurse by the way.

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Q: If you are nine weeks pregnant and the right side of my pelvis feels sore and tender should you be worried?
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Does it mean your pregnant when your breast get bigger and are very tender?

Notat all. tender breasts can be caused by various reasons. One reason is that you're ovulating. Another reason is that you are pre menstrual and about to have your period. The final reason is that you could possibly be pregnant. So get tested!

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For most women some pain is there. It's heartburn, backache, leg ache, tender breasts, and sore feet. The vagina can hurt because of all the downward pressure. And then, of course, when the pelvis gets softer so you can actually pass the baby through, that hurts too. Being pregnant is no picnic.

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You might be pregnant. Some women spot during implantation.

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There is not for sure way to tell that you are pregnant without a test, especially if you suspect that you are pregnant. Look for symptoms such as swollen/tender breasts, nausea, missed period, and fatigue/tiredness.

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It is a possibility your pregnant, the best advice for you would be to GO SEE A DOCTOR.

Does premenstrual breast tenderness can lead to pregnancy?

Having tender brests doesn't get you pregnant. Having sex is what gets you pregnant. Tender breasts can be a sign of pregnancy, but not one that can be trusted. If you suspect something, get tested for real.