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Yes it is possible; if you're not sure, get down to a local clinic, its FREE. You may need to make an appointment first. I was 3 months before I went, so you better get in now.

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9y ago

Please consult your doctor for a blood pregnancy test. However, they are some woman that the test become negative also with 4 and 5 month. Never understimate a test.

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Q: If you are late on one menstrual cycle and miss the next one is it possible the pregnancy test will be negative until the missed period?
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You are 42 yrs you missed your period pregnancy test is negative what will be the reason?

Going by your age it is possible that you are starting the menopause and that your missed period is just the start of the irregularity of the menstrual cycle that is a symptom of menopause but you will need to see your doc, he/she should run a few tests for you and that will tell you what is going on.

Should you test again if your pregnancy test showed up negative?

If you tested less than 3 weeks since you missed you menstrual cyle, Yes!

How do you conform pregnancy by wrist heartbeat?

No its not possible .it is a old days tale.pregnancy is confirmed only by blood test r urine test taken 2 weeks after missed menstrual

What does it mean if you've missed your period?

Possible pregnancy.

What is the earliest possible sign of pregnancy?

Missed period

Missed your period but have took a pregnancy test but its come up negative?

do another one

What if your period is missed when you are young?

I will do the urine pregnancy test. If it is negative, reassurance and observation is the therapy.

Possible implantation bleeding 11 days ago missed period pregnancy symptoms but negative HPT?

See your Doctor for a Quantitative beta HCG pregnancy blood test. You will need to ask specifically for this blood test.

If you have negative pregnancy test with missed period and bleeding are you pregnant?

Unlikely - the bleeding probably was your period

What if you finish your menstrual but you have pregnancy symptoms a week later and then you take a test and it comes out negativeis it to early could you still be pregnant?

Yes, its possible though its more likely that the symptoms are menstrual related, not pregnancy. In a typical 28 day cycle, ovulation occurs about 14 days after the 1st day of the previous period and a pregnancy test is not very accurate until at least 10 days after that. Pregnancy tests are most accurate when you are sure you have missed your period.

When can you see the sings of pregnancy after ovulation period?

For most women the first sign of pregnancy is a missed menstrual period however some women experience pregnancy symptoms as early as 8-10 days past ovulation.

Are stomach pains dizziness and nausea signs of pregnancy even if you haven't missed your period?

Yes but you have to keep in mind that they are also pre menstrual symptoms.