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There is no way to answer this unless you tell what the name of the disease is in your question.

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Q: If you are cured of rabies can you get them again?
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How is Rabies Cured?

Rabies cannot be cured. It may only be prevented via vaccinations. If a human is bitten by a suspected rabies animal, the vaccination must be administered within 2 hours of the bite so as to produce inhibitory antibodies against the rabies virus. But once a person is infected with rabies, they will be dead within 2 weeks. Rabies has a 100% death rate in non-vaccinated individuals unfortunately...

What was the first disease cured by Man?

Possibly rabies in 1885 by Louis Pasteur??

What is rabies vaccine and how do you catch it?

first it spreads to your nervous system. then it multiplies.

What things did Louis Pasteur accomplished?

He cured Diseases such as rabies,smallpox, and alot more i cant think of.... :P

What was the first diseaseto be cured through vaccination?

i think it was small pox The year was 1798 followed by cholera in 1879. Then came rabies.

Did Chuck Norris have rabies?

of course not! again what kind of question is that!

Hydrophobia is a feature of which disease?

Hydrophobia is a symptom associated with rabies. It is characterized by a fear of water and difficulty swallowing due to muscle spasms in the throat. This symptom is one of the key signs that can help in diagnosing rabies.

What diseases do Bats carry?

Bats can carry rabies, very few bats actually are carriers and again very few incidences of rabies in humans because of bats.

If you get treated and your partner doesn't can they pass it back to you again?

Yes. If your partner is inflected with a disease, and is not treated for that disease, then your partner can give it back to you. Of course, not all diseases are curable. Not all diseases can be cured with treatments. If you are cured of a disease, and your partner who is inflected, is not cured, your partner can pass that communicable disease back to you again.

How do get rabies?

Rabies is an infectious disease caused by a Rhabdoviridaevirus. The most common way that the virus is transmitted is from a bite of an infected animal, there have been a few very rare cases of rabies in which people have contracted the disease by inhaling the virus in bat caves, but again this is very rare.

How do you get treated for rabies?

If you suspect you have been exposed to rabies, seek immediate medical attention. Treatment typically involves getting a series of rabies vaccinations to prevent the virus from spreading in your body. Additionally, wound care and other supportive treatments may be provided as needed.

How long can you live with hydrophobia?

The disease can progress very quickly and can be fatal within a few days. Answer 2: Rabies can be cured by a series of needles. It is seldom fatal anymore unless it goes untreated.