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To another person, yes. To the same narcissist, no. Once they devalue you, you're done. Thank God. Literally. They can keep coming back or contacting you but things will never be "great" again. Once things turn negative, they are done pretending to be the great person they pretended to be in the first place. Its not easy but don't contact them. Avoid all contact with them. It will be the best decision you've ever made. ~ T I think it's a very real possibility, based on my experience with my ex-husband. He has returned to me (including once remarrying me) a total of 3 times over the last 11 years, not counting all the little walk-outs and fights after which he returned. We are now divorced for the 2nd time, and he just recently emailed me fishing around for attention. I heard that he is having trouble with his girlfriend. Now that I'm finally clear that he's a narcissist, I didn't respond to the email and I won't be giving him any attention. That will stop it from happening again. Usually a narcissist who is fishing will have some super important reason you need to contact them. They need to get an address, or they left something at your house...blah blah blah. Odds are whatever it is either isn't that important, or it's a lie. Think very carefully before you respond to ANYTHING. Assume it's a trick, because it almost certainly is.

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Q: If you are a source of negative supply to a narcissist can you become a source of supply and admiration again?
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Yes, I believe that this is true, it doesn't have to be another woman. I have recently witnessed someone that I believe is a narcissist (but not a malignant narcissist) go FROM an NS of male friends TO an NS of another woman. But the male friends were the NS for quite some time. I think the narcissist will use as an NS anyone - male or female - that satisfies his need for narcissistic supply.

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Do narcissists ever let go of a victim? The answer yes and no. As long as the narc feels you have any intrest in them and you can be manipulated by them such as guilt tripping, feeling sorry for them, will allow them to conjole, or cause any emotions in you whether anger, sympathy, empathy or any attention they will not let go or write you off. Narcs are users period. As long as you are a source of supply for anything they will try and add you to their list of suppliers. The only way to be written off by a narc is if you are replaced with a better source of whatever they were using you for, such as money,sex, service to immediate family members, friends or someone they consider a trophy to enhanse their public image. When with a narc, you will feel like yard dog, taxi driver, money supplier, dildo with a heart beat, door Matt and for all you supply to them will be taken for granted. They are ingrates and feel entitled to all they can get and have no remorse or gratitude.

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The only "love" a narcissist knows is self-love. Their inability to empathize with anyone else means they are unlikely to know what love is. A narcissist will say anything to maintain their narcissistic supply. If you are the source of this supply, and they realised that if they said they don't know what love is will get you to increase that supply, then they will say it. Please be careful. Look after yourself.

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Being completely self centered, they would probably go for whichever person is better, or cheat on them both.

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