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It totally depends! If you think you are going into labor, call your doctor or just go into the hospital. They will be able to tell you.

I was 3 cm dilated for weeks and weeks! I got up to 70% effaced by 38 weeks. I went into labor and went into the hospital, however they sent me home because I didn't dilate past 3 cm in the entire hour I was there. 6 hours later I had my baby! So it happened very quickly for me. Pretty much RIGHT when I got home from my first trip to the hospital I started going into true and hard labor!

Good Luck. :)

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Q: If you are 4 cm dilated and 85 percent effaced and have starting having false labor how long until you go into true labor?
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Not necessarily. Painless contractions and being 1 centimeter dilated can be early signs of labor, but it's not a definitive indication that active labor has begun. It's best to contact your healthcare provider for guidance on whether you should go to the hospital or continue monitoring the situation at home.

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Shouldn't you be in a hospital and not asking this question here?

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you are in labor---go to the hospital. if your labor doesn't progress, they will give you a drug pitocin to speed you along. good luck Joymaker rn

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If I am 38 weeks 2cm dilated 80 percent effaced baby's head is engaged I am nauseated and have been having loose stools for the past few days How much longer till I go into labor?

I am 39 weeks and 3 days Im a good 2.5 cm and 80 percent effaced. your baby could come in a day or 10 all comes down to when baby wants to come he/she will come. you could dialate from a 2 to 5 over night.....or you could be a 2 for 2 more weeks...there is no way of telling. Your best bet to help you along the way is sex. Seamen has patosin in it which is the same thing doctors use to induce labor. but of course its a much smaller dose. Also walking helps because while your up walking around gravity is pulling the baby down further and further! be patient!!! and know your baby cant stay in there forever!!!!=) it'll be soon! Seman has prostoglandins in it which is what is used in the hospital to soften/ripen your cervix. Your cervix is normally a solid muscular structure. When your cervix starts to soften(ripen), elongate, and thin, this is effacement. Pitocin is the synthetic form of your body's natural hormone called oxytocin which is released from the brain in response to certain triggers, such as nipple stimulation. Pitocin is used to initiate contractions in the uterus to induce labor. I am pregnant with my first, and I am 36 weeks + 5 days, just had an appointment this moring, and I am 2cm dilated, and 50% effaced and my midwife told me that I probably wouldn't make it to my next appointment or my due date. I am going to physically prepare for an early delivery, but am mentally shooting for my due date. Babies come when babies want to come. You can help yourself by staying active unless your doctor says otherwise, and of course having sex with your honey.

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Call the hospital an ask their advice but they will probably tell you to wait until the contractions are coming every 5 minutes

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If Im 3 cm dilated and having back pain and hip pain how soon will labor happen?

Actually you are in the Latent phase of labor.