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Yes. Absolutely still use a condom. There are several different strains of HPV. Some cause nasty symptoms, some do almost nothing, and some can lead to Cervical cancer.

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Q: If you and your partner both have hpv should you still use a condom?
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both are successful but depend on mall partner he agree for condom and then otherwise its duty for female partner

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It means you have an STI - which you passed on to your partner - both of you should be seen by a doctor (a) to discover what the infection is and (b) to get a course of treatment. Until it's diagnosed and treated - neither of you should engage in sexual activity either with your partner or anyone else !

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Implanon will not protect against sexually transmissible infections, so you should continue using condoms unless you and your partner have both been tested for STIs and have committed to being faithful to each other. If you have any doubts or concerns, or if you want additional pregnancy protection, continue using condoms.

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why should he have the best of both worlds?ask him who does he love and stick to that choice.

Can hpv warts be transferred to your partner if you have it but you used a condom but it broke?

HPV is a skin to skin disease as opposed to a fluid to fluid disease. this means that a condom provides some protection, but no where near as much safety as it would for something like pregnancy prevention. Think about it, the base of the penis is exposed, and the whole vagina/anus is exposed, which means if penetrated deeply enough both partners skin still makes contact. Therefore, HPV can be transferred to a partner whether the condom breaks or not. Which is unfortunate, and hopefully vaccination for males will be available soon, and it's important to encourage your female friends to get their.

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Lol. If your only going 2 have one partner your whole life. Then take it with that partner. But the both of you should be informed.

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Yes because your if your partner is not anulled then that means that they are still married and them and you are both comitting adultery

If Husband leaves wife for his partner but still wants sex with wife?

* He's using the wife and his new partner and it's called, 'having your cake and eat it too.' If both women were smart they'd kick this guy to the curb. The wife should divorce him and his new partner should kick his hide out the door. This man has no respect for women and if both women continue to allow him to do as he wishes then they become enablers and fire up his bad behavior.

Is it the guy or girls responsibility to ask to wear a condom?

It is 100% both of your responsibilities. Everyone who is sexual active should ALWAYS have a condom with them, boy or girl. Two at the scene is better than none.

How can your partner and you get a home loan if we both have bad credit?

You will still be able to get a loan even with bad credit. You will probably have to pay more than someone who has good credit, but you should still be able to obtain a loan. The process is a little more intense and might take a little longer, but it should still be possible.

Do you have rights to your parent or does her gay partner?

Both you and your parent's partner have rights to her.

If you and your ex are still in love but shes got a new partner and you both still want to be together but after a week she's still with new person do you move on or give ultimatum them or me?

Well maybe you should think before you leap, if you guys are "in love" she should have already left the other person. At this this point I would give ultimatum asap!!!