dead sperm?
No, sperm cannot pass through cotton clothes.
It is not likely. The sperm would have needed to come in contact with her vagina. But by this point a lot of the sperm was probably already dead. I wouldn't be too worried but be on a lookout for any symptoms just in case by some chance it did come in contact with your vagina.
Any time sperm (or pre-cum) has contact with your vagina (or surrounding areas) there's a chance for pregnancy.
sperm fertilzes the egg, without sperm no baby... so there is NO way a woman can get pregnant without contact of sperm
No, you cannot get pregnant with your clothes on. Pregnancy occurs when sperm fertilizes an egg inside a woman's body. Clothes act as a barrier preventing sperm from reaching the egg.
its dead
NO u can not get pragnant from dry sperm cause the sperm will be dead
Once the ejaculate that contains the sperm dries the sperm are dead. They probably die before complete drying occurs. Once dead, they're dead, no coming back if re wetted.
It is highly unlikely for sperm to travel through multiple layers of clothing to reach the vagina and result in pregnancy. Sperm are delicate cells that require direct contact with the vagina to have a chance at fertilization. The layers of clothing act as barriers that would significantly reduce the likelihood of any sperm reaching the vagina.
If a cell can possibly be alive, then it certainly can be dead.
No, if there is any sperm on the toy it is dead.