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it is an indication of bacterial infection

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Q: If my neutrophils count is high and my lymphocyte count is low should I be concerned?
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Your WBC Count is 4.96 Lymphocytes is 56.60 Segmented Neutrophils is 34.20 and Lymphocyte is 4.09 Please indicate the disease?

Your WBC Count is 4.96 Lymphocytes is 56.60 Segmented Neutrophils is 34.20 and Lymphocyte is 4.09 Please indicate the desease

Could valley fever cause high lymphocytes and low neutrophils?

A low neutrophil count along with a high lymphocyte count can be an indication of viral infections, autoimmune diseases and leukemias. That might rule out valley fever.

Can anaemia cause high lymphocytes and low neutrophils?

high lymphocyte count leukemia, bleeding anemia lack of iron, bleeding,genetics and poor health

Is 2813 a high neutrophils count?

I've actually never heard of a count that high. Norm neutrophils count is 55-62.

When should you start worrying about your white blood count what number should be considered bad '?

18% neutrophil and 80% lymphocyte

What causes raised lymphocytes and enlarged lymph nodes in toddlers?

To add-my son is 18 months old, and has had enlarged lymph nodes in his neck since birth. They are so large you can see them from across the room. His doc ordered a CBC and initially it came back with a total WBC count of 12.47 and lymphocyte count of 8.48. He said the WBC should have been around 10 and the lymphocyte around 4. Then a month later his WBC was 16.15 and lymphocyte at 8.08. Now a week later, his WBC is back down to 12.5, but his lymphocyte count raised back to 8.78. The only other thing he said was off was his MCH (mean count hemoglobin??) at 25.3 which was a little low. All his other types of cells are normal, including his other WBC types. At first he said he was concerned with his number of lymphocytes being so high, and now he is saying it might just be an infection that is getting better. Is it normal for your WBC to go down but your lymphocyte number to increase? Everywhere I read about it your lymphocyte number should be within 20-40% of your total WBC count.

What is considered a lymphocyte count?

What about a range of 22.2-43.6% as a normal range for lymphocytes, and the number is 47.6%, would this be considered abnormally high?

What besides HIV or AIDS can cause a low lymphocyte count?

In general, chronic stress is known to lower the function of the immune system, and that would include reducing the lymphocyte count.

What is the treatment in high lymphocytes count?

This would depend upon the what is causing the high lymphocyte count and which lymphocyte is elevated. For serious questions involving actual cases, you need to ask your physician.

High lymphocytes and low auto neutrophils count in blood means what?

low neutrophils means what and what do they do to help get the number up

Which type of infection is there which causes high lymphocyte count?

viral infection

Can tonsillitis cause low lymphocyte count?

Dr Been will tell