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Q: If it looks like a bruise around your nipple is that a sign of pregnancy?
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Is it normal for a inner lip tattoo to bruise?

I got a inner lip tatoo yesterday and mine looks it has bruised but im not sure if it is a bruise.... i hope it is.

What does a burst vein look like?

If it is right under the skin , it looks like a bruise.

Why is there a darkish ring around my belly button It kind of looks like a bruise my bellybutton is not pireced?

Only a doctor can diagnose and treat a darkish ring around your belly button. You may of bruised it and just not noticed.

How do you make a fake nipple piercing?

To make a simple fake nipple piercing, you need to obtain a nipple ring and bend the ring with pliers so that the ring looks like a U shape which you can then apply to your nipple and adjust to your own needs.

What is an areola and what does it look like?

Areola is the area and skin surrounding a woman's nipple. It varies from woman to woman, and can be large or smaller in diameter. The color can be anything from pink (in Caucasian women) or darker (other cultural backgrounds). It can also have small mounds which are oil cavities to aid the nipple in its functions. A lot of women can also have strands of hair on the areola. Usually during pregnancy the areola can darken, and it remains so afterwards. Answer Areola is a small space in a tissue or part such as the area between veins on a leaf or an insect's wing or a small circular area such as that around the human nipple or an inflamed area around a pimple or insect bite.

Are there after effects from a hickey?

Yes, there's the obvious mark that looks like a bruise. The hickey will often times be a bit sore. ---- While there is a bruise (which is the hickey), there are no long term effects from getting a hickey.

What skin rash looks like a hickey?

None of them. If you are trying to cover it up though, tell your mom that it's a bruise.

How do you no when your boyfriend is in love with you?

when he looks at someone really good looking and he thinks nah your better. i like your nipple tassles

Where is Drain plug for 2002 PT Cruiser?

under the engine, passanger side. looks like a white nipple

Is called a bruise?

A bruise is a contusion. This medical word sounds, and the bruise itself often looks, much more serious than it actually is. A bruise or contusion occurs when small superficial blood vessels are injured, allowing blood to seep into surrounding tissues. If there is no underlying injury, such as a fracture, superficial bruises heal within 7-10 days. If there is trauma or fracture, bruising can linger for weeks to months.

What is a bruise called?

A bruise is a contusion. This medical word sounds, and the bruise itself often looks, much more serious than it actually is. A bruise or contusion occurs when small superficial blood vessels are injured, allowing blood to seep into surrounding tissues. If there is no underlying injury, such as a fracture, superficial bruises heal within 7-10 days. If there is trauma or fracture, bruising can linger for weeks to months.

What if your husband came home with 4 inch bruise with what looks like a bug or spider bite in the center of it how do you treat it?

Ice it and if it gets any worse it may be from a brown recluse or black widow. Be sure that the "bruise" is really a bruise. If he was bitten by a brown recluse, it may already be necrotizing and needs to be taken care of by a doctor.