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If it runs in the family, yes. Some traits skip a generation.

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Q: If father and mother have brown eyes and brown hair can baby have blonde hair and blue eyes?
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Father has red hair and the mother has blonde hair can the baby have dark brown?

i don't think so.

Can a white mother and mixed father have a white and blond baby?

Yes, they can have a baby with blond hair if the mother has the gene that produces blonde hair (recessive) and also if the father has the same gene. It would be best if they both had blonde hair, but two people with brown hair can still have a blonde haired baby. It all depends on the genes that the parents received from their parents.

What grade of hair will the baby have if the father is mixed with curly light brown hair and the mother is brown skinned with kinky hair?

Most Likley Wavey Dirty Blonde Hair.

What color eyes and hair will a baby have if a father has blond hair and blue eyes and the mother has brown hair and brown eyes?

Probably brown hair and eyes; blue and blonde are both genetically "weaker" traits.

What color hair will a baby have if a mother has brown hair and the father has like a red more brown color?

my parents had the sme hair colors and i ended up with a redish brown with natural higlights of blonde (no idea how) and red

What color eyes and hair will a baby most likely have if the father has blonde hair blue eyes and the mother has brown hair green eyes?

The baby could have a combination of blue eyes and blonde hair, or green eyes and brown hair, or a mix of the traits from both parents due to genetic inheritance. Eye and hair color are determined by multiple genes, so predicting the exact outcome is not always possible.

What color eyes and hair will a baby most likely have if the father has brown hair green eyes and the mother has brown hair green eyes?

well maybe brown haired one with green eyes but it may take the genes of another family member Ex:the aunt is blonde but the parents are red headed the baby might come out as blonde

How will you know what color eyes and hair will your baby haveif the father has brown hair and brown eyes and the mother has blonde hair and blue eyes?

The baby's eye and hair color will depend on the combination of genes inherited from both parents. With the father having brown hair and brown eyes and the mother having blonde hair and blue eyes, it is possible for the baby to have brown eyes and either brown hair or blonde hair, as these traits are determined by multiple genes. The actual outcome will involve a complex interplay of genetic factors.

The father has brown eyes and the mother has brown eyes can the baby have blue eyes?


What color will baby hair be if the father has red hair and the mother has black hair?

if mother has black and the father has red it will probally be brown

If the mother has green eyes and the father has brown eyes can their baby have blue?


What color hair and eye will a baby have if the father has strawberry blonde hair and brown eyes and the mother has blonde hair and blue eyes?

The baby could have a variety of hair and eye colors, as it depends on the combination of genes inherited from the parents. Possibilities include blonde hair with blue eyes, strawberry blonde hair with brown eyes, or a mix of traits from both parents. Genetic inheritance is complex and not always predictable.