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Blood type: O

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The baby must have O-type as well.

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12y ago

the baby will have the O BLOOD.

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Q: If both parents have O-blood type what will the child have?
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Can parents both blood type O have a child with a positive?

No. If both parents are type O, the child will also be type O.

How is a child's blood type determined?

The child's blood type is determined by his or her parents' blood types. If both parents have type A, the child can have either type A or O. If both parents have type B, the child can have either type B or O. If one parent has type A and the other parent has type B, the child can have type A, B, AB, or O, but he/she is most likely to have type AB. If both parents have type O, the child will have type O.

If both parents have A blood type can they have a child with o blood type?

Yes. Both parents could be heterozygous, that is AO, and pass on the O to their child.

Can two parents with blood type A positive have a child with O positive blood type?

Yes, if both parents have the genotype AO, then the child can have the O from both parents, phenotype O

Could a child with type B blood have parents that are both type A blood?

Only if it was adopted...the only options for that child's blood type would be A or O if the biological parents are both Type A.

Is it possible to have a child with type O if both parents are type AB?


Can an a blood type child have o parents?

No. One of the parents would have to be type A or AB.

If both parents are O positive can they have a child that is A positive?

No. If both parents are type O, the child will be O. If both are A, the child can be either A or O. If both are B, the child can be either B or O. If both are AB, the child can be A, B, or AB (but not O).

Blood group can two A people have a child who is O?

No, two parents with blood type A cannot have a child with blood type O. Blood type O is recessive, meaning if both parents are blood type A they can only pass on the A allele, not the O allele, to their child.

Can parents with a positive blood have b positive child?

If they both have type A blood, they cannot have a child type B.

Can a A plus and A- parents have O- offspring?

If both parents have genotype AO, then it is possible albeit rare for them to have a type O- child. If either parent is type AA, then the child will be type A.

Can a child have O positive blood if both parents are A positive?

Yes, if both parents are AO genotype there is a 25% chance of the parents producing a type O child. Since both parents are Rh positive the probability of an Rh positive child in at least 75%.