Based on a normal gestation period of 40 weeks the conception date was August 20th.
January 4th, give or take a day.
Astons was born on the 13th Fevurary 1998.
He was born on Wednesday the 13th of October 1982.
13th July 1987
13th february 1988
December 13th
Doctors measure pregnancy from the first day of your last period, but you don't conceive until two weeks after that. Your baby was conceived 3 weeks ago.
the God knows everything,,Only the Gods can perfectly answer ur question:)
His birthday is September 13th, and he was born in 1993.
the same as a baby born any other day
Margaret Thatcher was born on Tuesday October 13th, 1925.
You can look in a calendar in an iPhone or go to what day of the week was the day I was born and put that date in