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Q: If an unconscious person remains on their back what is the most like cause of an obstruction?
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The number one cause of airway obstruction in the uncons cious adult is the?

in unconscious patients the commonest cause for the obstruction of airway is due to the back ward falling of the tongue obstructing the airway..first aid for this unconscious subject is applying cervical collar at the site prevets obstruction...

What is the most common cause of airway obstruction in an unconscious supine patient?

The most common cause of airway obstruction in any patient - supine or not - is the tongue. This is why the first maneuver that should be performed on a patient not breathing is the head-tilt/chin-lift or the jaw thrust. This is to help clear the tongue from the airway and may allow the person to breathe again.

What is the most cause of death in an unconscious person after a head injury?

Choking or vomiting

What is the most common cause of death in an unconscious person after a head injury?

Choking or vomiting

What is most common cause of death in a unconscious person after a head injury?

Choking or vomiting

What is the most common cause of death in a unconscious person after a head injury?

Choking or vomiting

What is the most common cause of death in an unconscious person after head injury?

Choking or vomiting

How long you unconscious for?

The length of time someone is unconscious can vary depending on the cause, severity, and individual. It can range from a few seconds to several minutes or even longer in cases of severe brain injury. It is important to seek medical attention if someone remains unconscious for an extended period.

Obstruction of the airways lead to?

Obstruction of the airway can lead to many different things. It can lead to death due to lack of oxygen, it can cause damage to the brain due to lack of oxygen, and it can cause a person to have a stroke or heart attack.

What are the most common causes of airway obstruction in the unconscious patient?

Often it is a food item that has blocked the airway. Trying to swallow too much at one time may cause an airway obstruction. People have died by their own vomit, usually when under the influence of alcohol or drugs. Babies and young children may choke on small toys, as young children and babies frequently put toys, etc, into their mouths.

How Will a pessary cause bladder infection?

If the pessary does not fit will, it can cause obstruction or irritation that can increase the chance of UTI.

What is the stuff called that puts you to sleep before a surgery?

Anasthetic is the type of drug they use to render a person temporarily unconscious during surgery. There are both general anesthetics, which cause a reversible loss of consciousness, and also a local anesthetic, which causes a temporary loss of sensation in a limited part of the body while the person remains conscious.