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Yes you can produce milk. Milk production is hormone rlated and as your body returns to its pre-pregnancy state, the hormones get to work!!

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Q: If a woman has not had children in years and had a hysterectomy can she still produce milk?
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Will a woman still produce estrogen and progesterone after a total hysterectomy?

No. In a total hysterectomy both ovaries are removed meaning that the body will not be able to produce any level of estrogen or progesterone

What type of hysterectomy leaves a woman unable to carry a baby?

A radical hysterectomy will leave a woman unable to have children, because the procedure removes the fallopian tubes and the ovaries.

Can a woman who has had a hysterectomy still have the body act like it was not done?

yes after a women has had a hysterectomy it means that she can no longer have children but can still have a body act like it was not done but the thing is she will be on hormone replacement for life but the structural features dont change at all you look the same

Where does the penis go after a hysterectomy?

Well, a hysterectomy is an operation on a female. And it has nothing to do with a woman's ability to have sex with a man, it only affects her ability to have children.

If you were able to keep your pregnancy after having a hysterectomy will you have to be bed resting?

A hysterectomy is the surgical removal of the uterus. Removal of the uterus renders the woman unable to bear children. So if you have had a hysterectomy the chances of you getting pregnant is 0%. It is impossible. Sorry.

What is a historectomy?

A hysterectomy is the removal of a woman's uterus/womb.

Can a woman still have menstrual periods after a hystorectomy?

No, a woman cannot still have menstrual periods after a hysterectomy. Menstruation is the shedding of the uterine lining, if there's no more uterus there's no more menstruation.

What is a sentence using the word hysterectomy?

The woman was recovering at home after having had a hysterectomy.

Why would a woman need a pap spear if they have had a hysterectomy?

Hysterectomy is removal of womb only leaving the cervix in place. Pap smears are done to identify cancerous cells in the cervix so if you still have a cervix you are still at risk of cervical cancer. Women who have a total hysterectomy (removal of uterus and cervix) are unlikely to contract this type of cancer.

What body part does chlamydia infect if a woman had a hysterectomy?

Chlamydia can infect the urethra, which is not removed during a hysterectomy.

Why do some woman have a hysterectomy?

recommended testing is urethral

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