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The same as when you had the first set of identical twins.

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Q: If I had identical twins 3 years ago what are my changes of having another set of identical twins?
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Related questions

What are the chances of identical twins?

the chances of having identical twins are about 1 in 300.

If a mother looses one baby but is still pregnant was she having identical twins?

Not necessarily you could be having twins and they don't have to be identical.

What are the chances of identical twins having twins themselves?

Women who are themselves fraternal twins have a 10% chance of producing twins, identical twin women have only a 0.6% probability of having a twin birth.

How common is it to have identical twins?

Well, as an identical twin myself, I believe there is a one out of twelve chance of having identical twins, although, I'm not 100% sure....

What is another word for non identical twin?

Fraternal twins.

Why do you think identical twins were more alike than fraternal twins?

Fraternal twins share most of their genetic material, by virtue of having the same parents. Identical twins, however, by definition share 100% of their DNA. This means, for example, that identical twins cannot ever be one of each gender, as fraternal twins often are.

What are the chances of having twins after aborting twins?

It is the same for any other pregnancy. Abortion does not change the randomness of identical twins or the familiar tendency to have fraternal twins.

Why are some twins identical and some not?

The reason why some twins are identical and some are not starts in utero. Identical twins occur when one egg is fertilized and it splits to create two embryos. Nonidentical twins come from different fertilized eggs.

What is the difference between idetical and non idetical twins in the way they are found?

The difference between Identical and Non-Identical twins is that Identical twins share the same placenta and are basically identical to one another. Non-Identical twins do not share the same placenta in the womb and two eggs fertilized at time of conception as opposed to one egg splitting in the case of Identical twins. I think that covers the basics. Hope this has clarified things for you.

What are the chances of a female triplet having twins?

I am an identical twin myself, and my wife just had identical triplets. So probably we would not've had twins if I was a singleton. So the chances of us multiples having them is around 1 in 20.....

What are two horses with identical genes called?

Identical twins. Although horses sometimes have twins I'm not sure if they have identical twins.

What is the percentage of identical twins?

Identical twins make up about 0.2% of the world's population. This means that approximately 1 in every 250 births results in identical twins.