

Best Answer

I would suggest you to visit your dermatologist and have your skin tested. I think your suffering from some sort of skin disorder which made your skin thicker without realizing it. Maybe you need some lotion or cream to make it a bit thiner if not try to rub it against the wall. Hope this would help.

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Q: If I am unable to feel shame what does that mean?
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What does load of shame mean?

A load of shame would be a massive amount of guilt. You might tell someone "you should feel a load of shame" when they have done something they should be embarrassed about. You could also say that you feel the load if you feel remorseful.

When was Feel No Shame created?

Feel No Shame was created in 1988.

What if your only shame is to have shame?

Then it would be very easy not to get shameful because you would not have anything to give you shame in the first place. So, if you do not feel shame from anything but shame, you would not feel shame from anything.

What does loads of mean?

A load of shame would be a massive amount of guilt. You might tell someone "you should feel a load of shame" when they have done something they should be embarrassed about. You could also say that you feel the load if you feel remorseful.

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it means for someone to make you feel self-concious, to make you feel shame when you have done something bad

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What does unabler mean?

Able means "can do". Unable means "cannot do". This could refer to an action, behavior, speech, etc. Examples: I'm unable to say why the experiment failed. I'm unable to walk. I'm unable to hear. I'm unable to move. I'm unable to feel.

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What does lástima mean in Spanish?

It means "pity" or "shame". "Que lástima" means "what a shame".

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Schade means shame, like 'what a shame!' or 'too bad.'