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Sonds very much like the first stages of labour! call your hospital labour ward a.s.a.p they should ask you to go in, Best wishes and Good luck!

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You should call your doctor QUICKLY!

if you only bleed once he might not say anything but if its everytime your using the bathroom there may be somthing wrong.

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Q: Iam nine months pregnant having cramps bleeding is this normal?
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Can you have period like cramps and vaginal bleeding in early pregnancy?

yes you can. i am 37 weeks pregnant. for the first tree months or so i was having very painful period cramps and i always thought my period will come any moment. but according to my i was completely safe.

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Call your doctor.

Is it normal to have light bleeding when your 2 months pregnant?

No! You shouldn't be bleeding unless you're not pregnant!

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mild cramping is normal,but severe,sounds like trouble.see your doctor immediately

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having period cramps for the first 3-4 months are normal. if you are spotting or see any blood go to the doctors . i had cramps for the first 4 months until they finally went away

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Only your doctor can answer that question.You should call your provider immediately.

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If you're having periods, you're not pregnant. Other bleeding during pregnancy could be a very bad sign for the health of the foetus however, so go to the doctor if you're sure you're pregnant but bleeding.

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Cramps are a sign of pregnancy, i was sure i was coming on my period i had all the cramps etc.. im now 5 months pregnant

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Pregnant or STD. Get yourself tested at the doctors office as soon as you can.

Why do you have a period after four months of pregnancy?

You shouldn't be having a period while pregnant. If you are experiencing bleeding and/or cramping you should contact your Dr right away or go to the ER.

Are you pregnant if you have been having vaginal bleeding for two straight months?

There are instances of vaginal bleeding for long periods of time during pregnancy. However, it would depend upon how much bleeding; just spotting would be fine, but it is doubtful if bleeding occurs every day in large amounts.