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Get that checked by a doctor, my friends brother had to have surgery.

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Q: I woke up randomly one night because my right testicle is very sore and hurts to touch. I usually sleep on my stomach so i may have bruised it in my sleep but besides that i hope i don't have an STD?
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Was in a car accident and bruised a testicle Prior to the accident the left testicle hung lower now the right one hangs lower is there a problem?

If it doesn't hurt and you seem to be functioning properly, you are probably fine. It is not uncommon for an injury to cause one testicle to hang lower than the other permanently.

Why are your legs always bruised?

Because you anger dad to much

How many syllables are in bruised?

bruised has one syllable.

What is a bruised diamond?

Bruised is not a term used to describe diamonds.

Is bruised a noun?

No, the word 'bruised' is the past participle, past tense of the verb to bruise. The past participle of the verb also functions as an adjective.Examples:The girl was crying because she had bruised her knee on a rock. (verb)The bruised apples were in a box for half price. (adjective)The word 'bruise' is both a verb and a noun.The noun 'bruise' is a word for a mark that develops from something hitting flesh.

When was Dancer with Bruised Knees created?

Dancer with Bruised Knees was created in 1977.

When was Bruised Orange created?

Bruised Orange was created on -19-03-01.

When was Bruised Water created?

Bruised Water was created on 2008-08-25.

When was Bruised but Not Beaten created?

Bruised but Not Beaten was created on 2006-03-17.

Should you walk when your legs are hurt and bruised?

Well that just depends. If you fell and bruised them. Then yes you should because over time the muscles can weaken. If the are popping and cracking please seek medical attention. ASAP

Why does bruised apple mols faster than a non bruised apple?

This simply because it get bruised. Bruising destroy cells and when cells are destroyed the mold will move in much more easily. A fresh apple is protected to a certain extent as long as it is not bruised. It can even dry up totally if moisture levels are right and it is not damaged in any way. As soon as you damage an apple you make a point of entry for bacteria and mold. An apple is not much different to us humans. It does not enjoy having its skin cut or bruised..

How did Bella get bruised?

Bella got bruised because Bella and Edward were having sex and Ddward didn't want to hurt Bella so he bruised some parts of her by mistake and ripped the pillows and ruin the other things because he had to control himself so he doesn't harm her.But Bella doesn't blame edward for bruising her.And Bella was still a human so Edward could kill her easily.