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although it was not my septum piercing infected, i got a surface piercing on my neck oh about a year and a half ago, and at first it started to get really infected, red swollen and pussy, i cleaned it vigilantly with a 50 50 water hydrogen peroxied spray and a lot of anti bacterial ointment......most piercers will tell you to do a hot salt water soak and that usually helps too, they will also not recommend what i did to clear mine up, hydrogen peroxide can be very drying which is counterproductive, so the 50 50 water is important. Mine is now so healthy it has lasted me over a year, which is really good considering most surface percings grow out in less than a year.

i consider myself pretty lucky in that situation, so it definitely can be helped with vigilant cleaning.....buut i also seeked medical attention for if it gets bad do not hesitate to seek professional help!! things can go bad really really fast and you don't want to get sick!

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Q: I might have an infected septum piercing but I don't want to take it out or re-pierce it. Can cleaning it more make it get better?
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for about 4/5 weeks after it's been pierced, sometimes longer :L it depends on what it looks like i guess, like, if you can tell it's infected or still swollen, keep cleaning it, and if it doens't look any better, go to your piercer.

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Well if it feels better and it looks better must be better. But just don't jump off ignoring the piercing like you did to start with, stay on a routine of cleaning and rinsing your piercing daily. Check the related link for more details and added info.

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A doctor would give you antibiotics for an infection. If you could be a little more specific as to what is causing the infection such as a piercing gone wrong, a pimple that got overly infected or a cut, I'm sure you could get a better answer.

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It will be red, swollen, or have discharge. Try not to mess with it too much. A wet hot washcloth set on the piercing then allowed to cool will help. Also wash with a mild disinfectant soap. If it doesn't get better on its own, go see your piercer.

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It is always best to get a ring. Rings allow room for swelling, while bars do not. If your piercing has no room to swell, it could become infected.

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Where? on your nose? yeah but don't go close to the piercing I have,nothing really happens,it's just weird. everywhere else is fine I had make up on my nose when I pierced it. yes, as long as you are careful not to get it inside the piercing. ________________ I did nothing happened. ------------------------- You're not meant to, it could make the piercing infected. But that doesnt always happen. I'd just be careful ______________________ I wouldn't recommend it, or at least, not on the side of you nose with the piercing. Everywhere else is fine. But, keep your foundation, compact, and blush away from the area. The chances of your new piercing getting infected increases if any of your makeup products get near or into it. Better play it safe.

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Better cleaning agent then what?

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It can get infected and it could probley reck your ear good points it looks awesome i personally like the other ones from side to side better than top to bottom ones

When you just get your belly pierced are supposed to move the ring?

only move it once up and once down when you clean it, leave it alone other then that or it will cause an infection, it heals much better when left alone Part of the aftercare for any piercing involves moving the jewellery daily during the cleaning process. Failure to move the jewellery prevents the discahrge material from being washed away and this can cause issues with the healing. Move the jewellery daily in the shower while washing and rinsing the piercing. This will ensure a happy and health piercing. Whane you are not cleaning the piercing keep your dirty hands off opf it....treat it like a cut cleaning it and leave it alone and it will heal just fine.

Can you pierce the web in between your thumb and finger with a ear piercing gun?

Absolutely not. Piercing guns, no matter what they advertize, cannot be fully sterilized, and cause blunt trauma to the pierced area by forcing a dull post through unbroken skin. If you want a piercing that won't get infected, go to your local tattoo shop where they will use a clean, sharp, and sterile needle. Your piercing will heal better, look better, and be much, much less painful.

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There will be bumps in the cartilage near the piercing. It is better to be pierced with a needle.