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First off, please invest in grammar course or two. Second of all, no it's not possible. You cannot "fool" a paternity test.

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Q: I know this is very nasty but my friend actual fool a paternity test buy surrounding his mouth with someone else true do you think this is possible.?
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Does insurance cover the price of paternity testing?

There is no insurance that would cover paternity testing (because it is not a medical need). Someone can fund their own test and it runs about $1000.

Can someone get child support in north carolina ecven if paternity hasn t been established?

No, paternity have to be established first. Otherwise a man can be forced to pay for a child that is not his. It's easily done by a DNA test.

Can you tell if someone is related by a picture?

Sometimes but is not foolproof of course. A paternity test is cheap & accurate if needed.

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No. You can't give up your parental rights if your paternity hasn't been legally established.No. You can't give up your parental rights if your paternity hasn't been legally established.No. You can't give up your parental rights if your paternity hasn't been legally established.No. You can't give up your parental rights if your paternity hasn't been legally established.

What is the name of the test you use to find out if you are related to someone other than your immediate family?

This may be a reference to a paternity test.

Who pays for DNA test when court ordered?

If no paternity test was ever done can someone have the court order a DNA test?

Where can someone find more information about paternity DNA testing?

Paternity DNA testing is performed by collecting DNA from the children and the potential father through swabbing some DNA from the inside of the cheeks. More information can be found online or from your doctor.

how can i get a paternity test done on my son father if he deceased ?

You should be able to establish paternity by testing someone in the fathers immediate family, such as a brother, sister, mother, father, etc...the family of the father still carry his DNA even after he is dead.

How can a woman get away with accusing someone of being the father and that person did not even know they were having a baby and now u have a letter from child support to pay with no paternity test.?

She can get away with it until you go to court and file a motion for a court ordered paternity test. If the test disproves your paternity, you can file a motion to cease child support based on that.