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You may have a very mild form of it, but if it doesn't bother you at all, then you're fine. You certainly don't seem to have anything very severe, which is good. There are lots of different kinds of dyslexia, everything from really not being able to read or write at all, to just getting your left and rights confused, so, yes, you may have a very mild form of it.

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Q: I have many symptoms of dyslexia but can easily read and write. do i have dyslexia?
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Related questions

Is dyslexia a disability?

Dyslexia is in fact considered a reading disability, and depending on the severity of your dyslexia, can act much in the same way as a disability. so yes, dyslexia is, in many cases, considered a disability.

Is dyslexia a communible disease?

The British Dyslexia Association estimate that 4% of the population have dyslexia, which is over 2 million people in the UK. They also estimate that another 10% of the population show signs of dyslexia. The US Dyslexia Research Institute estimate that in the US, 10-15% of the population have dyslexia. However, providing accurate statistics is difficult because of the huge range in the severity of dyslexia in different people. Also, many cases of dyslexia go unrecognised.

How many people have dyslexia in the world?

About 15% of the world suffers from dyslexia.

How many people out of 100 have dyslexia?

i would say about 34 people that will have dyslexia

How do you get dyslexia?

One does not simply "get" dyslexia- like they would a virus or disease. Dyslexia is a special way of thinking that certain individuals have a genetic predisposition to develop. Most commonly, they have difficulty with reading fluency. Their brain is not "wired" to be specifically good at fine-detail visual skills such as reading. During their education, their "return" for working on reading efficiency diminish (law of diminishing marginal returns). In the case of a dyslexic individual, this inability is often times compensated by having a better ability in something else such as thinking in 3 dimensions (like Einstein and myself). To learn more about dyslexic advantages, visit or read their book. There are many other helpful websites and books on dyslexia as well.

How many people have Dyslexia?

15%-20% of the US population has dyslexia.

How many people have dyslexia in the UK?

5 - 10 %

How many syllables in dyslexia?

4 dys-lex-i-a

How is dyslexia related to religion?

Dyslexia is not related to Religion-- --Dyslexia is good for religions that demand blind faith of the followers. The modern science has become a big thread to many old religions of blind faith.

Do kindergartners have dyslexia?

Dyslexia is something that you are born with, although it may not be noticed until much later than kindergarten, as many kindergartners have difficulty with reading writing and spelling. But if your child has dyslexia, they will have it from the moment they are born.

How many times do you offer accomidations for employee with dyslexia?

As many as needed.

How many people are affected by dyslexia each year?

Too many