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yes its just spotting

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Q: I have had cramping on my stomach and then I was bleeding So I thought that I got my first period but now on your pad there is brown not red Is it still blood?
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Is it possible to get implantation cramping without bleeding?

Yes, it is possible to experience implantation cramping without any associated bleeding. Cramping can occur as the fertilized egg attaches to the uterine lining, but not everyone who experiences implantation cramping will necessarily have bleeding.

If you have implantation bleeding around the time of your period will you have stomach pains as if it was your period?

With my first pregnancy I just had the implantation bleeding, no cramping, I felt wonderful. With my second pregnancy I had awful period like cramps. I didn't think I could be pregnant because it felt like my period was coming.

I have headaches dizziness throwing up and cramping but had my period this month so what's wrong?

You may have thought it was your period but it may have been vaginal bleeding. Have you taken a pregnancy test? I would take one after the bleeding has stopped. The bleeding you experienced could infact be implantation bleeding not your period. I say this because of the symptoms you explained.

Why am i bleeding and cramping and my period stopped a week ago?

You are probably ovulating

Can paragard change your period?

Paragard may change the flow, cramping, or duration of bleeding but not the timing of bleeding.

What does it mean if a girl's stomach is cramping?

it means either she's having her period or she has a stomach ace.

Can you have vaginal bleeding and cramping like a monthly period and still be pregnant?


What if your period was a weekearly and lighter than nomal and have cramping can you be pregnant?

Yes! It may be implantation bleeding rather than a period. Implantation bleeding is often mistaken for a period.

Can you still have a period if you didn't experience the symptoms like cramps?

Sometimes we are lucky enough to get a period and not have the bloating and cramping associated with it. If you are bleeding and it's time for you to have your period then it is your period.

What does it mean if your head hurts and stomach cramping and period late three days?

Haven't Started

Can you have a miscarriage if you have pains in your stomach in your first month of pregnancy?

Pain that is heavy cramping and accompanied by bloody discharge or bleeding like having a period could indicate a miscarriage. It is difficult to tell that early in a pregnancy unless you have a doctor's exam.

Could having cramping for three days period is due but no bleeding yet?

yes maybe ur pregnant