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Graham: I have also suffered from migraines for years (since the age of 14) and have also (in the past 5 years or so) experienced itchy lumps on my head. These sometimes (but not always) occur before a migraine. I would be interested in making contact to see if there is a possible common factor here.

Unknown: im 13 and I've had migraines for the past year or so, im interested in this topic. the first time i had one i cried a lot i was so scared i was going to die. i get ocular migraines and they suck, they mess up your vision and then i get a killer headache.

Graham: When I first started getting migraines I felt no-one really believed me as it all sounded weird to others. When I was a teenager I used to think it was some sort of punishment from God. I have not heard of ocular migraines. I've always been told I get classic migraine as opposed to common migraine which affects more people and doesn't tend to come with the flashing lights, blind spots, numbness etc. that I get. As I have got older I don't get as many migraines and they tend to be less severe, although I do occasionally get a really bad one. I think there is a link to epilepsy (maybe it's a milder form). I think eye strain is one factor that can cause my migraines. I have also noticed that I am prone to one if I am being bombarded by more than one person trying to tell me something - it's almost as if my brain cannot cope. I did join a group (think it was called Migraine Action) some years back but left as it seemed to be focused on common migraine. I have found that Midrid works for me to an extent (can get this on prescription if you can be bothered with going thru all the hassle of several appointments with doctors). Personally, apart from my family, I have never received any sympathy or helpful advice from anyone, especially doctors.

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Q: I get migraines after I get great big lumps around my head I am scheduled for a CT scan soon I have had migraines for years help the lumps on top of my head are getting bigger?
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