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I don't think you need to worry about having ruined your child. Like any normal child, I think a child with ADD/ADHD do need discipline and strict lines and boundaries to stay within. Now that you know, you can still apply the same rules, but with a different approach. I would recommend talking to your child's physician/therapist for advice on how to work with them. There are also amazing resources on line, (Such as webmd, and that can give you insights on how to work with a child suffering from ADD/ADHD.

I've had ADHD all of my life, but haven't been medicated since I was an adult. I can tell you, from the perspective of someone with it, that it's not good for people to treat you any differently than they would someone else. You need to be understanding, yes, but you also have to make sure to take control and teach your child how to properly work with their disorder, because they now have a long and challenging road ahead of them. It's hard to focus at work and school, and now in my 20's, I'm only just learning how to work around this and do what I need to get on with my life.

You haven't ruined your child. And you don't need to be afraid. Just do your research, talk to someone who can help, but more than anything, all you can do is just love them. Greatest lesson my Dad ever taught me - just love them, and always, always do what you think is in their best interest to help them grow up to be good people, in control of their lives, no matter how hard it is.

Good luck. You have a very long road ahead of you.

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