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If the treatment the doctor prescribed is not helping you should get back in to see him asap. at the very least he can tell you what you can do for some relief, they will usually do this without charging you a new office visit, and I have even had a lot of luck just calling the office and asking to speak with the doctor.

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Q: I can't swallow anything i have a really bad sore throat and warm compress not working and salt water gargles not working and so far antibiotics havent either please help?
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Most likely these are symptoms of a bacterial infection which can be cured with antibiotics. It's best to see if it goes away on it's own. If the pain is extreme or lasts more than a few days, see a doctor.

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You can eat anything you can swallow. But that might not be a good idea.

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Yes. It is edible. And basically anything edible is food