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There is only one thing to do if you have one positive and one negative pregnant test. You should go to the doctor and get the pregnancy confirmed.

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Q: I believe I am 3weeks 3days pregnant but I am not sure if it's to soon to get a ultrasound done I need some advise I took pregnancy test with positive results And one negative?
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What does it mean when you have a - and a on a pregnancy test?

A positive answer on a home pregnancy test means that you are pregnant and should see a Dr. A negative answer means that you are not pregnant. If you get a negative response and feel that it is in error you should wait two days and test again or see your Dr.

How do you know if your mum is pregnant?

When there is no menstruation,pregnancy test comes out positive,baby in the ultrasound and heartbeat of the baby.

If you get a negative does that mean you are not pregnant?

negative= not pregnant positive= pregnant be sure to read the instructions on the pregnancy test package

If pregnant on the pill will your test be negative?

No pregnancy is pregnancy and it doesn't matter if you were on the pill at the time. It will still show positive if you were pregnant.

Can you have a positive pregnancy test then a negative pregnancy test and light period and still be pregnant?


Can you be pregnant for a month and a pregnancy test still show up negative?

If you are four weeks pregnant you will have enough hCH to have a positive pregnancy test.

How do you know if you had a chemical pregnancy?

A chemical pregnancy is typically diagnosed through a pregnancy test that shows positive results followed by negative results soon after, or through a blood test that detects the presence of hCG (pregnancy hormone) that later decreases. It is often characterized by early pregnancy loss before a gestational sac can be seen on an ultrasound.

I had 2 positive pregnancy tests and 1 negative and no signs of pregnancy on the ultrasound?

Interesting.. I've had the same thing happen to me (minus the ultrasound...) in getting several false positives. However, mine were due to having cysts on my ovaries- which are known for affecting the result of home pregnancy tests. If you're still uncertain, I'd try taking a blood test; it is possible that if you are indeed pregnant, the pregnancy is too young to be shown in an ultrasound.

Negative pregnancy test but urinated on it again and it went positive?

This happened to me when I got pregnant with my third child. The first test was negative and the second positive. From what I understand, a pregnancy test can give a false negative but rarely gives a false positive.

You took a pregnancy test it came back positive your breast had dried droplets on it how long are you pregnant?

The only way to determine if youare pregnant, and how far along you- are is to have a blood test, or to have an ultrasound to confirm the pregnancy.

If you took 2 pregnancy test one was a light negative sign and 5 days later the other was a bold positive. Plus you went to the Dr and they said positive how many months are you?

You are probably about one month pregnant, but an ultrasound scan will be more accurate.

If you got pregnant and did not know and took while pregnant will the pregnancy test be negative or positive?

Even if you didn't know you were pregnant but you were at least two weeks along, your pregnancy test will show up positive. But if you were less than two weeks along it will come out negative even if you do end up pregnant.