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get him and yourself checked out to see why there is such difficulties

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Q: I been with my boyfriend for 4 years and im still not pregnant i been trying to get pregnant but its not working.?
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medicaidfood stampsW.I.C

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ask him if he still likes you and if he had a crush on her then why did is he your boyfriend he's probably trying to make you jelous

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IF he tells you or if you notice that he still likes to be around you and stare at you. If he is your Ex-boyfriend he is your "EX" for a reason and I would say don't bother trying to find. If he is your Ex-boyfriend he is your "EX" for a reason and I would say don't bother trying to find.

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He could either still like you or be trying to make a fool out of you.

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that he is trying to get back with you

Your boyfriend uses chewing tobacco can you still get pregnant?

YesTobacco use of any sort does not in any way affect your changes of getting pregnant