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You must first tell your doctor and then to your parents and/or with the social services (welfare officer). dont HAVE to tell anyone. SHOULD you tell your parents? YES, of course you should. Do you HAVE to? NO.

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16y ago
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13y ago

If you are in California laws protect minors in reguard to sexual health including pregnancy.

so in California they could not tell your parents, but at some point you are going to need their support.

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14y ago

well if you're 16 and beautiful and you are a few months pregnant then yeah it is a possible chance they could tell your parents. because would you want your parents to find out later youre pregnant or just let the doctor tell them because either way they will find out eventually. so... am i the dad.

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14y ago

Legally he cannot tell anyone you do not authorize him in writing to discuss it with. It would be a HIPPA violation. Considering you are likely still living at home, it might be a good idea for you to tell them. At 17 years old, you are going to need the help and support of your family. It may be disappointing for them, but this is their grandchild. A grandparent wants to know.

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Q: I am sixteen and pregnant do i have to tell my parents?
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Yes, they can get him sentenced as a sex offender.

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You're allowed to do whatever your parents/caregivers tell you that you can do.

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A way to tell your parents that you are pregnant is to tell them with spoiling them.a good way to that is to take them out to eat or buy them something they really want.

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if you are of sixteen and addicted and want to get rid of that so consult to any doctor for cure and a well as tell about that to your parents because its in nature of your parents to love you and because of this nature thay will support you financially and emotionally

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Only if both your parents sign a concent form.

If your pregnant can you move out of your parents house in Florida?

If you are 18 or older. If not you are pregnant minor and still your parents responsiblity and they can tell you what to do.

What if a child is sixteen and pregnant and needs to move out of her parents' home in Massachusetts?

Pregnancy does not emancipate a minor. You are still under the authority of your parents. Why do you 'need' to move out?

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Being pregnant does not emancipate a minor. It does give them certain rights in regards to providing for the welfare of their child.

How do you tell your parents your pregnant if your only 15?

Tell one first, alone in your room. He/she can then tell the other parent. Just say "I'm pregnant".

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No, she is only 16 and has not yet reached the age of majority. Until that age the parents are responsible and make the decisions.