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by the sounds of it i think you have experianced a miscarry as this is what i had with mine x

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Q: I am 6 weeks pregnant and had a hard piece of discharge with a little tail -What is it?
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Is having little to no discharge normal at 6 weeks pregnant?

Yes, perfectly.

What if brown mucus discharge till 6 weeks even if you are pregnant?

If you are 6 weeks pregnant, this brown discharge may be old blood from your last period. However, you should speak to your Doctor about this incase it is an infection.

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no it is not the baby can die

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Can you get discharge 3 weeks pregnant?

Yes. It's very normal. The hormones in pregnancy generally tend make you have more discharge

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White discharge is normal throughout pregnancy.

I am 36 weeks pregnant with a greenish discharge what could it be?

u got a std go to the dr asap

How early in the pregnancy does discharge appear?

I have 2 kids and think I am about 3-4 weeks pregnant I have had the sore nipples and the bloating as well. Every time I had concieved I knew right away and all three times I had this creamy milky white discharge and it came at about 3 weeks pregnant.

10 weeks pregnant clear clumpy discharge what could that be?

Discharge changes throughout pregnancy due to all the hormones going through your body. It's normal.

Could you be pregnant if you are losing brown discharge?

yes you could be pregnant i am 6 weeks and also been losing brown discharge brown is seen as old blood red blood is not normally a good sign in pregnancy i have been losing brown discharge for about 2 weeks now on and off and only when i wipe not enough to fill a pad hope this helps

Is 11 weeks pregnant 3 months pregnant?

Not quite because there are a little more than 4 weeks in a month. About 4 weeks and 3 days. So to be 3 months pregnant you actually have to be 13.5 weeks along.

Green mucas discharge at 4 weeks pregnant?

This is caused by a vaginal infection. See your Doctor about this for treatment. Do not buy anything OTC as you're pregnant. Congratulations.