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No its not too early, but sometimes you cant really see anything more than the sac that surrounds the fetus. The baby is to small. But it has a heartbeat, although you may not hear it. And it doesnt "look" like a baby yet. But its a baby. Around 9 weeks, the baby will look like a miniature baby, tho. And around 10-11 weeks your doctor can probably find the heartbeat with a doppler.

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Q: I am 5 weeks pregnant. Is it too early to get a sonogram?
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Too early to tell. Try test again in a few weeks.

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It's unusual - if you have any concerns - see your doctor or midwife as soon as possible !

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no it is not to early

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no if you wore you should get rid of it because your too young

Im sure im 5 weeks pregnant not 7 and i had 2 ultrasound they both show sac but no baby is it too early to see the first 1 was at 3 weeks and then at 5 but according to the doctor im 7 weeks?

If you are 7 weeks from your last period, you are seven weeks pregnant, 3 weeks pregnant is before you miss a period and you would not have a scan then. If you are seven weeks and there is no sign of a fetal pole it appears that the embryo may not have developed and you will miscarry soon, I am sorry.

Can you still be pregnant if the pregnancy test say no?

Yes. It might just be too early. Until your period comes you could still be pregnant. unless its been 3 weeks since you had sex and the test is negative

You went to the doctor and they told you that the baby didn't show but the hcg was there are you pregnant or What is going on?

Yes you are most likely pregnant but too early to show on an ultrasound. Your Dr should have made a follow up apointment with you in about 4 weeks.

3 weeks pregnant no baby on scan why is this?

Waaay too soon!

Can you detect pregnancy at 1 week?

No, usually it takes around 10 days for implantation of the fertilized egg into the wall of the uterus, and pregnancy can not be determined until after implantation has occured. For most accurate and quicker results you can get a blood test from your doctor.