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Without a thorough examination it would be impossible to tell, but many boys continue to grow a little until they are 18-21, and if you began puberty late, it would not be surprising if you had not finished growing yet.

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Q: I am 18 just and my height is 186cm morning 185 night and I want to know if I will still grow at all didn't hit puberty till about 15?
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Everyone gets puberty by 15. It wont happen that you didnt get puberty.

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It's perfectly normal, everyone hits puberty at a different age.

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because it is normal to and if you didnt you would be a man/ be genderless

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they didnt wear anything until they reached puberty. B but when they did they wore short skirts.

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i think she didnt get married because she couldnt have babys because she didnt have any eggs to have kids.

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the awnser is because the book lied and said he went through puberty when he really didnt

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nothings wrong you just didnt hit puberty yet

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Cause u didnt eat anything all night

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Nothing if you didnt hurt your self. But not having gone through puberty indicates that you are to young to engage in sex and that if you did it would not be a particularly pleasant experience for you. wiat untul you are mature enough.

Can a boy shed lining of urethra during puberty?

A uretha is part of a vagina. Last time I checked, boys didnt have vaginas. Well, maybe you do.

Could a boy get a girl pregnant is he didnt go threw puberty?

It is not likely. Because the testis hasn't matured enough to produce fertile sperm.