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Yes, you are at the average age that boy's start to hit puberty so anytime now onwards.

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Q: I am 13 and haven't hit puberty but i have vellus hair does this mean I am about to hit puberty?
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How do you get rid of puberty hair?

You cannot permanently get rid of pubic hair. You can shave or trim them, there is also some laser surgery.

If there is crusty stuffand wet stuff in your underwear what does it mean i havent gotten my period eitheri havent even started it?

if it is white or clear it means that you are now going into the stage called puberty.

When you grow black hair on your legs does it mean that you are going through puberty?

well, growing hair on your legs does not necessarily mean that you are going through puberty. if you grow excessive amounts of hair on your legs, however, then it can indicate that you are going through puberty. if you are growing hair on other parts of your body as well (face, under arms, chest, pubic areas) then that means that you are most likely going through puberty

What does it mean when hair grows on your nipples?

If you are a man(or still going through puberty) this is normal.

If you have armpit hair does that mean your going through puberty?

Yes, you usually get pubic hair before armpit hair, which are both signs of Puberty has begun.

I have thin pubic hair does this mean I've hit puberty?

The appearance of any secondary sexual characteristics (Pubic hair, facial hair, breasts, increased muscle mass, voice changes, or the beginning of menstruation) indicates the onset of puberty. so yes. you are probably just starting to go through puberty

Puberty what does it mean?

Puberty means that you will soon leave the stage of adolecence. It is when you start to become sexually active and pressured into sticky situations; when you learn the most social skills. What do you think?

If a boy is 9 and has pubic hair and his face is breaking out is he going through puberty?

If a boy has pubic hair at age 9, he has hit puberty. This would mean he's an early bloomer. It would be very unusual but not unheard of.

If you have a lot of hair on your legs does that mean you have pubic hair?

Not always, some people get hairy legs before they develop pubic hair. Pubic hair starts to grow during puberty.

If you are 12 and your breasts are flat but you have pubic hair what does this mean?

It means you're 12 and still going through puberty.

What does it mean if you have hair on your testicles but not under your arm pits?

In puberty, hair does not all come at once; often the pubic region is first. Axillary hair (arm pits) will probably come later.

If a boy starts to get underarm hair when he is eleven does it mean he will stop growing early?

No it doesn't, because it is normal for boys to start getting hair under his arms and in the pubic region at 11. This hair is normally straight, fine and non-pigmented hair and it signals the start of early puberty. When a boy goes through "precocious" puberty, that is, starts puberty earlier than 9 years of age, they run the risk of not growing as tall as their peers This is because when puberty completes, the growth plates on the bones close and stop growing in length. Precocious puberty is a treatable medical condition, and boys showing signs of puberty at a very young age should be seen by a pediatric endocrinologist to address the possible complications.