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idk but i can give you info. A girl called ellen meets a guy called jeff and ellen turns fat. ellen has coitus with jeff everyday, until his penis goes blue so they go to the doctor. after 8 months, she turns skinny and grows a pair of balls. after two weeks, jeff cheats on her with another man named adolf.


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Q: IS there a summary to The Fat Girl by Marilyn Sachs?
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What is the basic situation of Fat Girl by Marilyn Sachs?

The premise is that people can enter relationships out of need, or other motivations, instead of actual affection. The friendless "fat girl" allows the boy she admires to become the sole focus of her life, while he is drawn by the control he has over her, in filling her emotional needs. The analogy is to the clay they mold in their ceramics class.

Who said i'd kill myself if i was as fat as Marilyn Monroe?

Liz Hurley - definitely

What is the duration of Fat Girl?

The duration of Fat Girl is 1.43 hours.

When was Fat Girl created?

Fat Girl was created on 2001-03-07.

Who are more fat boys or girl?

Girl naturally have more fat on their body.

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it is smart

When comparing Tay-Sachs disease and Duchenne's muscular dystrophy what disorders do they both have in common?

they both involve mutations in which fat replaces normal tissue

Will jousin bieber go out with a fat girl?

no why would Justin wanna date some fat chubby girl? He's famous.... he can't be seen with some fat girl. Fat people are so not Justin's type.

Will a boy ever love a fat girl?

It's actually 5% proven a boy will reject a "fat" girl, but there's an 80% chance a girl will end up marrying a "fat" boy. That is unless the boy is also"fat".

What is 'fat girl' when translated from English to Italian?

"Fat Girl" in English means ragazza grassa in Italian.

Is 5'5 and 133 fat for a girl?

no. everyone is diffrent. you are not fat.

Would a guy rather date a slightly ugly girl or a slightly fat girl?

Depends on how hot the fat one is but if is I would take the fat one