No its a sign of early miscarriage get checked sweetie
5 week 5 days
Yes but to be sure it worked they wait until they can see the pregnancy so about week 5-6.
primolut n 10g remove 5 week pregnancy
Cramps are a sign of pregnancy, i was sure i was coming on my period i had all the cramps etc.. im now 5 months pregnant
Not possible unless you are sexually active and semen could have entered your vagina. If this worries you you will have to wait until you period. If you miss it after 5 days take a couple home pregnancy tests to be sure.
Yes. This is a sign of pregnancy. But it is also a sign of your period about to come. Most women say they notice this symptom between 2-5 weeks after conception.
21 days after fertilization, which is week 5 of your pregnancy.
No it's a sign of pms. Not pregnancy. Sorry.
No it will take at least 2 weeks and usually more then that.
You may not experience any pregnancy symptoms this early. However some women do experience symptoms as soon as 3 days after conception so it is possible. Usually you would experience tiredness, urinating more often, tender breasts or nipples, changes in aerola or eating pattern changes and tummy cramping. These can also be approaching period symptoms.
Human chorionic gonadotropin, or hCG, is produced during pregnancy. An hCG level of 7000 would indicate a 5 to 6 week gestational age.