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What are features of federalism in Nigeria?

1)d supremacy of d federal govt

Is cambridge institute of technology ranchi recognized by aicte state govt?

yeh it is approved by aicte

The federal government runs a budget deficit when its?

the govt spends more than they have

What does the Federal Govt often rely on to pay for wars or programs?

Deficit financing.

Which of the following includes expressed implied and inherent a political disorder b concurrent powers c delegated powers d implied powers?

Delegated powers (those delegated to the federal government) Expressed were clearly stated in the Constitution, implied are not stated but necessary for the federal govt to accomplish those that are stated, and inherent are powers the federal govt has simply by nature of being a govt for the people.

Where can you find results of the common entrance exams taken into federal govt colleges?


If you have done your 10 2 from bhartiya siksha parishad up lucknow Are you eligible for central govt service Is it recognized?


How can your federal tax return be taken from you?

Govt or state agencies have the power to offset if you owe them money.

What creates local government?

The State Government Creates the Local govt. The Federal creates The State!

Why did the farmer in western Pennsylvania rebal against the us federal govt?

tare ma ki chout

The federal system can best be defined as?

divided between national govt and lower levels of govt.

How has power shifted between the frederal and stae governmetnts during the history of the us?

The Federal Govt. has their powers listed in the US Constitution. All powers not listed are retained by the states. This is why for instance Nevada has Legalized gambling on private land. (Note Indian Reservations are not state or Federal Land but a tribes land is treated as a separate nation.) The Federal Govt. in recent years has given the states more work,responsibility and power but only in the areas that create more money and less work for the federal Govt. Often the Supreme Court will hear cases that influence Federal versus state law.