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Suggestion 1: Pregnancy

Are you pregnant by any chance? Do a pregnancy test if you have had sexual intercourse before you experienced this.

This form of dry "skin-like" peel could be something called colostrum. Which is another name for the milk full of protective antibodies that is produced in female breasts. Occasionally it will leak out and, because you are wearing a bra, has nowhere to go. Therefore it settles around your nipple and dries.
If your piecing was done incorrectly, it is possible that bacteria has been introduced to your piercing, attracted by the dry colostrum, especially if you haven't been practising good breast hygiene.

Pregnant women should remove ALL piercings, with optional exception to the ones on their faces. So nipple, genital and belly piercings for example need to be removed. This is because your body changes during pregnancy and stretches, causing the metal piercings to rip your skin. Of course, bacteria loves open wounds as well.

You should also avoid wearing nipple and genital piercings if you are currently undergoing puberty, for the same reasons (growing body parts). Piercers will not usually advise people to remove piercings during pregnancy or not get them if you are going through puberty, because they are more interested in the money than you.

Suggestion 2: Plasma / Healing
Because piercings are not a natural part of the body, your body is actually fighting the piercing and trying to repair the hole in your skin. As a result of this, plasma and cells leak from the piercing, in an attempt to seal up the holes. If you took your piercings out for a very long time, the skin will eventually heal and you will need to get re-pierced.
This "crusty" thing is a pile of millions of dead plasma and cells, who died in a vain effort to heal you. And it's normal in piercings.

You should wash yourself thoroughly and often, to remove the dead cells, because these attract bacteria, which eats and breeds on them. You should also think about not wearing a bra when it is not necessary to do so, for example when you are sleeping, to allow air flow to the piercings. You should also be taking your piercings out occasionally and washing them.

If the "crusty" is clear or very pale yellow, then it is dead plasma/cells, which is normal.
However if the "crusty" is dark yellow or green, then this is the sign of an infection, which needs to be treated with antibiotics from a doctor. If the "crusty" is brown, then it is dried blood, which should also be looked at by a doctor.

The swelling
As for the the swelling, this could be caused by either of the suggestions above.
Pregnancy causes your breasts and nipples to enlarge slightly.
Infection can also cause swelling, especially if your nipple has become a breeding ground for bacteria due to poor hygiene.

A doctor can give you facts. The above are just guesstimate opinions, because we do not personally know you.

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7y ago

Crusty area around the piecing is a sign of infection. Peeling it off might have made things worse. Please visit your physician and get it diagnosed.

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Q: I've had my nipple pierced for about 6 months the other day i peeled a crusty off of it and now it's very swollen and a dark pink color is something bad wrong?
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