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If you believe that women have a choice of whether or not to keep the baby then you could have an abortion, depending on which stage of pregnancy you are at, because after a certain number of weeks it is no longer legal to abort a baby.

The other option if you really don't want the baby is adoption, which means that another person or couple would raise your baby instead of you. You can have open or closed adoption. With an open adoption, you would still have contact with your baby and his/her new family through letters, emails, photos and in some cases even occasional meetings. However, be aware that the adoptive family have no legal duty to go through with this and can back out of open adoption. Closed adoption is the opposite, where you have no contact with your baby and his/her adoptive family
Please call the pregnancy hotline so someone can talk with you about your specific situation and give answers that are right for you.

Pregnancy Hotline 1-800-848-LOVE (1-800-848-5683)

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Q: I'm pregnant but don't want the baby What should I do?
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