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This is becoming a serious issue with many dermal implant clients, action needs to be taken to avoid the infection becoming serious which if not treated quickly and effectively can become very difficult to treat. Because the dermal implant is intended to stay set under the skin and infection can build to the point of turning to an inward boundabscess requiring medical intervention and I.V. antibiotics. I have no way of knowing how bad the infection is, so all I can do is tell you to see your doctor as soon as possible. With the proper external treatment and oral antibiotics you may be able to keep the implant however 6 out of 10 infected implants lead to surgical removal to resolve the infection. Your piercer can not help you with the removal of the implant under state and provincial laws, that is practicing medicine without a license and is against the law everywhere. Go see your doctor as soon as possible.

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10y ago

I would dab them with Hydrogen Peroxide on a Q-tip, roll the Q-tip over the infection so you can "roll it away". Hydrogen Peroxide is totally safe, I use it all the time and, in my opinion, it is an easy way to tell when your infection is gone because it bubbles up anywhere you are infected.

Don't use Hydrogen Peroxide repeatedly. It has little to no affect on bacteria and can damage surrounding healthy tissue, it will (because of the release of oxygen bubbles) dislodge dirt and debris in wounds initially, but there's no need for repeat application. A much better method of cleaning is simple salt water - half a teaspoon of sea salt added to a cup of boiling water, allowed to cool to a warm temperature and applied to the piercing for a few minutes twice a day. Alternatively mild antibacterial soap and warm water will work just fine.

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14y ago

If you are washing the piercing daily there would be no infection, daily aftercare is required for every piercing. Wash the piercing with diluted liquid antibacterial soap and plenty of warm water (do it in the shower). The infection will settle out and resolve it's self within 24 ~ 48 hours.

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Q: How would you take care of an infected belly button piercing?
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What are the chances of dying from a infected belly button piercing?

There are no specific odds of getting your belly button piercing infected. The odds of getting your belly button piercing infected go way down if you wait until the piercing is healed before you go swimming. It is important it does get infected that you see medical treatment immediately.

Can your belly button get a infection from the inside without a piercing?

well when your belly button is very deep and you dont clean it often things can build up and get infected, what would help is fingering your belly button with a q-tip or your finger and cleaning it, if there is an infection you should see your doctor.

How much does a belly button piercing cost in Oklahoma?

That would vary based on the piercing shop.

What would hurt worst an industrial piercing or a belly button piercing?

well the answer will be no that was the stupid question that you asked

Why would someone want to get a belly button piercing?

for the same reason anyone would want to get any kind of piercing

What is Legal age for belly button piercing in Kentucky?

In Kentucky, the legal age for getting a belly button piercing without parental consent is 18. Anyone under 18 would need parental permission to get a belly button piercing.

Your belly button is swollen on the bottom half from the pericing is it infected?

I would think so.

I really really want to get a belly button piercing but ppl keep telling me I'm too white. I have really fair skin and freckles should I still get one or would it look bad?

You can still get a belly button piercing despite what people think about it.

How old do you have to be to get your belly button pierced with parental consent?

If there is no law on it, then I think it would be up to the person doing the piercing.

Does epidual hurt more then belly button piercing?

Yes very much so. I have had my belly button pierced twice and have had 2 epidurals as well and would much rather have the piercing any day. In my opinion it hurts more than 100 x's worse easy.

Does gettting in a hottub hurt a new belly button piercing?

getting in a hot tub would not hurt a new belly button piercing, but your not supposed to. you should wait at least 6weeks after you got the piercing to sit in water. (I know this because i have ma belly button pierced. i have it pierced all around =)..) Anyway, i suggest you put a water proof band-aid over it or tape or something to cover it up b4 you get in the hot tub.

Can you get a belly button ring without getting your belly button pierced?

When you get your belly button pierced, the person doing it will generally, if not always, use a stainless steel belly button ring. At least they will if they're a professional, and if not you don't really need to get a piercing from them anyway.This will have to stay in until the piercing is properly healed and then you can put in a clear or plastic retainer, available in different colors.