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Q: How will you describe the blood passing through the lungs?
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Where does blood go after passing through the lungs?

After passing through the lungs, oxygenated blood travels back to the heart and is pumped out to the rest of the body through the arteries.

Describe the pathway of blood through the heart and lungs relating to pressure and volume?

Describe the pathway of blood through the heart and lungs relating to pressure and volume? Describe the pathway of blood through the heart and lungs relating to pressure and volume?

Describe the path blood follows through the pulmonary circulation loop?

oxygen-poor blood is pumped through the pulmonary arteries to the lungs. gas exchange occurs in the lungs and the oxygenated blood is then returned to the left side of the heart through pulmonary veins

What would happen if an abnormality in the blood circulation made the blood go to the heart without passing through the lungs?

You would die because blood wouldn't collect oxygen

Does carbon dioxide leave your blood in your lungs?

yes it does leave our blood and comes out through the lungs (breathing out)

What gas enters the blood through the lungs?

oxigen is the gas that enters the blood through the lungs

Where does blood come to lungs?

Blood enters the lungs through the pulmonary arteries.

What is the correct sequence of parts through which blood moves in passing from the vena cava to the lungs?

Starts on the Vena Cava----> Tricuspid valve, right atrium, plumonary valve, right ventricle---> ends lungs

Through what organ must the blood pass in order to change its way?

In order for blood to change its direction or pathway in the body, it must pass through the heart. The heart receives blood from the body, pumps it to the lungs to pick up oxygen, and then pumps it back out to the rest of the body.

Where does blood travel after the right auricle?

It travels to the right ventricle passing through the tricuspid valve. Then it travels to the lungs via pulmonary arteries. The oxygenated blood from the lungs returns to the heart (into the left auricle). From the left auricle the blood travels to the left ventricle. The left ventricle pumps it to aorta. The blood travels through the arteries and veins, then it returns to the right auricle of heart.

What gas enters the through the lungs?

oxigen is the gas that enters the blood through the lungs

Does the right ventricle move blood around the systemic system?

No, the right ventricle pumps blood to the lungs through the pulmonary artery for oxygenation. After passing through the lungs, the oxygenated blood returns to the left atrium via the pulmonary veins to be pumped out to the systemic circulation by the left ventricle.