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This depends entirely on the person. Obviously most members of your congregation will be disappointed, but if they are following the teachings of Jesus Christ and the Church, they should also be accepting and supportive. Of course there will always be those who might be rude or inconsiderate, but try your best to ignore them - they don't reflect the opinions of God or of most Church members.

The Church Handbook of Instruction says, "Church members who are single and pregnant are encouraged to go to their bishop. ...He can counsel with them as they make important decisions that affect their own well-being and that of the child." Your Bishop (or Branch President) will help you to decide among the many options you have (raising the child, adoption, marrying the father, etc.) and can get you in touch with LDS Family Services, which operates an adoption agency and can provide parenting classes for unwed mothers.

If you are 17 or older, after speaking with your Bishop you might also want to speak with your Relief Society President. She can help you find women in the ward who will support you through the pregnancy and afterward with learning to care for the baby if you decide to keep it. Those younger than 17 might be encouraged to leave Young Women's and join the Relief Society.

I have known several teens and young adult women in the Church who were unmarried and pregnant. In each of these situations most ward members were very understanding and supportive. Some chose to put their babies up for adoption through LDS Family Services and others chose to keep the child. In either case, the Bishop and Relief Society helped the woman cope with the emotional stress and big decisions. For those who kept the baby, the Relief Society sisters even threw a baby shower, provided meals and babysitting, etc. Many of these women have found themselves years later happily married, sealed to a husband who loves them and their child.

You can see what the Church Handbook of Instruction says about unmarried pregnant women at the "Related Link" below, as well as get in touch with LDS Family Services. Remember, your Bishop is there to help you!

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