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== == In a way, yes. They become enranged, angry and upset; though this is not because of their love for you. This is because they have lost control, and they do not know how they can possibly deal with that. Tu o them it feels like losing control of one of their own body parts. Can you imagine what it feels like to lose control of your limb, or even your own mind? It is terrifying to think about, and that is the way the sociopath looks at you. You are a part of him, his possession. Losing you is maddening to him, but remember; that is not love to the sociopath.

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16y ago
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14y ago

a sociopath dose not feel love .be firm and just say its not working out the way i thought it would .or tell them lets go to therapy chances are they wont go or take them to church theydon't like that either . the only reason they want you is because you are a supply line for them weather it be money ,sex,drugs ect. they probably have several other partners. so if you break up with a sociopath and they keep calling you don't answer soon they will forget and move to the next victim's. if he or she is violent pretend everything is ok and say your going to the store like nothing is wrong and go somewhere safe. written by frank lombardi.

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13y ago

Heartache is like decaying nuclear waste. It has a half life and clearing time dependent on concentration. The more time that passes the less it affects us until the point where we barely notice it.

All relationships of worth will cause us heartache when they end. This is due to the fact that all relationships are irreplaceable. Sociopathy has nothing to do with it.

Time heals.

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10y ago

Although sociopath's have an antisocial behaviour and attitude, they still have feelings. But they outlook on the ending marriage may not be sadness or hurt...

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It happens all of the time, especially in the criminal world. Sociopaths make up about 1% of people, and a much larger percentage (20-25%) of career criminals. So if you have a bank robbery team of 10 men, the odds are that at least one of them will be a sociopath. So, yes they can and do team up- but they are still entirely in it for themselves. I don't think there is much sociopathic loyalty or honour, they are all free agents doing whatever serves their own, personal interests best. Interestingly I did read that criminal gangs try to weed out severe sociopaths where possible because the extreme narcissism of a sociopath will result in a conflict between the wants of the sociopath and the wants of the gang as a whole.

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