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Worked for me and I smoked the day before. Just fast for 12 hours, drink plenty of water. Drink a bottle of it 3 to 4hrs before your test, pee 5 times before, take a multiple vitamin with B complex to get good color and not look diluted.

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βˆ™ 12y ago
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βˆ™ 14y ago

As well as the willpower of the person taking it ! Detox only works if the 'patient' has the stamina to see it through to the end.

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Q: How well does assure detox work?
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How long should you stop using drugs before trying to use total assure detox drink to pass a drug test?

One year, it is the only way to be clean for a drug test, detox drink does not work.

Will rescue detox and strip detox counteract each other?

No, but it doesn't matter since neither of them work very well to start with.

How do detox cleanse drink work?

A detox drink cleanse contains detoxifying properties that can help cleanse your body and improve your overall well being.

Why cant you smoke cigarettes after using total eclipse assure detox?

The purpose of a detox is to cleanse your body of all toxins. Smoking introduces more than enough toxins in your body to keep the detox from working the way it is supposed to.

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No. They don't even work very well for other drugs.

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Well there is a wide variety of detox diets. A detox diet simply cleans the body, which means it elimates toxic. On this way you'll lose weight, but detox diets are only effective on short terms.

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Where can one find information on starting a body detox?

Basic information about starting a body detoxification program can be found at WebMD. They have primers on what to expect, products that work and the potential dangers. GNC carries a variety of detox products as well as supplements to help get the colon to work more efficiently. Body Detox Center offers spa-like detox procedures. Homeopathic products to detoxify the body can also be purchased at Native Remedies.