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There are various symptoms that can suggest autism.

1. Person tends to keep to themselves

2. Has trouble communicating

3. Doesn't understand body language

4. Has difficulty understanding other people's feelings

5. Everything has to be "just so"

6. Sticks very rigidly to a daily schedule.

7. Tends to look like they're not listening, even when they are

8. Very repetitive motions

9. Limited or no speech

10. Very logical about everything

11. Finds it hard to adjust to change

12. Does things like stacking cans, or putting coins into neat piles

13. Doesn't like physical contact

14. Tends to drift into their own world a lot, and not hear when thy are being spoken to

15. Speech impediment

There are other signs to look out for, but the most important thing is to remember is that these are guidelines, not rules. Even if they don't show all of these symptoms, they might still be autistic. If you think someone you know might be autistic, you should get them diagnosed by a psychiatrist. Speech therapists are sometimes also good at spotting autistic persons.

Autism is a disorder of the brain. There are certain symptoms of autism. However, every autistic person is different. Most autistic people lack social skills, while a few can be very social but lack other certain skills that are symptoms of autism. According to the DSM criteria one is diagnosed with autism when the have deficits in language and social skills and a presence of repetitive or ritualistic behaviors. These deficits and excesses are apparent before the age of three and usually include delays in appropriate play behavior such as symbolic and imaginative play. Currently in the research the earliest signs of autism are seen with deficits in joint attention.

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ask a friend or someone with knowledge on the subject to get them to someone who can not stop autism but make the autistic person more nice to be with.

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No, there is no scale to tell 'how autistic' a child is. A child is either autistic or they're not, there is no scale of 'how autistic' a person is just as there's no scale for how Chinese someone is or how female someone is.

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If there's any record of it, no.

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ask them out. just because they have autism doesnt mean they are different, quite a lot of people with autism have an IQ well over 100

What is an autistic?

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No one has 'recovered' from Autism because Autism isn't something that happens to someone or something that can be recovered from. Autism is a neurological difference, you can no more recover from being Autistic than you can recover from being an African-American.

Is there anything in your environment that contributes to someone having autism?

A person does not 'have' autism, a person is Autistic. Autism is a neurological variation that results from genetics, there's nothing conclusive to say that environmental factors contribute to this.

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No, obviously a person cannot 'get' autism by watching too much TV. Autism isn't something that someone can contract or develop, Autism is a neurological disorder so a result of how the brain develops in the womb. TV thus has zero link with Autism.

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