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This is what I am trying: It is by Dr. Jim Mitterando who is a family doctor at Cohasset Family Practice and a staff member at South Shore Hospital in Weymouth. Q My ears have been popping for two weeks and occasionally hurt. I have an upcoming airplane trip. What can I do to get rid of this problem? Can I fly?

A You are having problems with your eustachian tubes, which carry air from the throat to the middle ear in order to equalize pressure on both sides of the ear drum. During a cold, illness or seasonal allergy, the eustachian tube becomes congested and swollen so that it may temporarily close; this prevents air flow behind the ear drum and causes ear pressure, pain or popping just as you experience with altitude change when traveling on an airplane or an elevator. If the eustachian tube remains blocked, a vacuum can develop behind the ear drum sucking it inward and allowing fluid to accumulate. If the fluid does not drain, bacteria can multiply causing an ear infection. Sometimes fluid can persist for months producing a temporary hearing loss. Most ear aches are not ear infections but rather pressure problems. Infants are more prone to ear aches because their eustachian tubes do not function as well. Antibiotics do not improve tube dysfunction. If ear pain persists, you should see your doctor. In the past, all ear infections were treated with antibiotics. We now know that most ear infections resolve without any treatment so that watchful waiting is an acceptable approach. Treatment for eustachian tube dysfunction includes pinching your nose and blowing - this forces air up the tube and pops the ear drum back into place. Scuba divers commonly employ this technique when they descend in the water. Decongestant pills containing pseudoephedrine (Sudafed) can decrease swelling of the eustachian tube to allow greater airflow through the tube and help relieve pressure problems. Pseudoephedrine should be limited to daytime usage to avoid sleep problems. Studies have shown that decongestants are not helpful in children younger than 5 years old and may cause side effects such as agitation and insomnia. Decongestants do not prevent ear infections in young children. Steroid nasal sprays (Flonase, Nasonex, Nasacort, Rhinocort) may decrease the inflammation and swelling of the tubes and may help with persistent tube dysfunction. The pressure changes associated with flying can damage ears and sinuses when you have severe nasal congestion or tube problems. It's a good idea to avoid flying when you have these problems. If you have a bad cold or allergy and must fly, you may want to take pseudoephedrine one hour before your flight and use neosynephrine nasal spray when you board the plane. During liftoff, swallowing, yawning and Chewing Gum can help equalize ear pressure. When descending, you can also try pinching your nose and blowing to pop the ears. More input Or try this method: Using a neti pot siunus irrigator and nasal spray medication. It truly does work to open the eustachian tubes and allow them to drain the mucus that is causing popping and clogging. Natural Method Put a few drops of eucalyptus oil in a bowl of steaming boiling water- place your head over the bowl and cover your head and the bowl with a towel. inhale the steam for about 5 minutes, you should start dripping out the mucus within 2 or 3 minutes.

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16y ago

First off, I would suggest you consult the opinion of a medical professional, particularly if there is any swelling or pain associated with your condition. Vertigo, or the sensation of dizziness, can often be caused by an imbalance of pressure in the inner ear or by the presence of fluid in the inner ear. You mentioned your ear is "clogged" - is it clogged by fluid or by physical obstruction - is your ear swollen? If there is fluid in your ear, I have often found that putting a small amount of rubbing alcohol in your ear will help to evaporate the liquid. The sterilizing and germ killing properties of the rubbing alcohol will also help if you have a low level infection. Try using a dropper or cotton swab to drop or rub a small amount of rubbing alcohol in or on the affected area. NOTE: Always use extreme caution when putting anything in your ear.

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15y ago

if you mean when your ears hurt on a plane because of the pressure, there are a number of cures :

1)chew some gum or a sweet to open up your ears.

good point : it works when the plane is landing and taking off.

bad point : it is the least effective cure.

2)swallow a sip of water/yawn every 10 seconds.

good point : it pops your ears gently and the pressure does not hurt as much.

bad point : the pressure gets worse between the 10 seconds.

finally, the most effective for me, is holding your nose and blowing out through it hard to pop you ears. when they pop, they should sting for 1 or 2 seconds. but after that, they should be completely fine and you will be able to hear better. but your ears will automatically start to heal and close up again, and the pressure might get to your ears. if this happens, just pop them again.

I did what was mentioned just above, but now my left ear will not pop when I do it, and it isn't infected... so do not pop your ears this way, it will make them cloudy. - JessyEllen

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16y ago

If it's water, turn your head with the ear that is blocked facing the ground and jump up and down a couple of times. If it's pressure like in an elevator or plane, pinch your nose and blow.

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10y ago

Yes, clogged ears can cause dizziness. When there is fluid trapped inside the ear, the increased pressure can cause dizziness and possibly vertigo.

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14y ago

Go to the doctor

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Q: How to stop dizziness caused by an ear infection?
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Can sinus infections cause dizziness?

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Inner ear infection symptoms include earaches, fever, nausea, dizziness, and blood coming from the ear.

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Dizziness could mean many different things; talk with a doctor about how you are feeling.

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A posture stability, balance organ called the semicircular canal is located in the ear. An ear infection can disrupt the function of this organ and cause dizziness.

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Pressure in the ears and eyes is usually caused by a sinus infection. A sinus infection is an infection of the nasal cavities that causes headaches, pressure and cold like symptoms.

Can Dizziness cause dizziness?

The most common cause of dizziness is an inner ear infection. Other causes are fast heart rate, anxiety, dehidration or low blood sugar. Don't worry about it!

What causes dizziness most of the time?

Dizziness is caused by lack of stability in the balance canals associated with the ear structure. We also have some balance sense associated with the stomach and when this disagrees with either visual signals, or with the ear balance signals, we don't know what to believe. Thus we don't know which way is up.

What are the common symptoms of someone suffering from an ear infection?

Symptoms of ear infections are often obvious. They include pain in the ear, dizziness, ringing sounds and headaches. In babies, signs of ear infections include tugging on the ear.

Can A Sinus infection cause a bump on the side of your head above your ear?

Yes, a sinus infection can cause an ear ache. The fluids that drains off of your sinus can infect the ear, also cause you dizziness or the feeling of being off balance.

What caused the infection?

Ear infections tend to be caused by water getting trapped in the ear after bathing or swimming. Also, scratching the delicate skin inside the ear with a finger nail or other object may cause an infection as well.

What are the causes of ear infections?

Yes ear infections can be caused by a virus Yes, though an infection and virus are different and treated different sometimes after a bad virus the body develops an ear infection. Remenber that because the nose, troat and ears are connected many viruses can trigger an ear infection. With an ear infection usually you have liquid where is supposed to be air and the accumulation of the liquid keeps going until you develop symptomps like, fever, dizziness, pain, headaches and so on. Most of this symptoms point to ear infections. Recomendation: Go to your Doctor ASAP because ear infections' untreated can cause in some cases loss of hearing and even other more serious problems. Good Luck at the Doctor!