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There are several products available over the counter such as Ridex and Nix. The kits contain shampoos to kill the adults and another rinse for loosening the nits from the hairs which are then combed out with the special lice-removing comb (also contained in the kit.) Most kits also include a spray which is used on bedding, couches and automobile upholstery. All products are available separately as well. There are prescription shampoo and lotions available, too.

Treating the head lice involves thoroughly ridding the environment of all stage of the life cycle of the louse. If items can be laundered, it is recommended to do so in hot water with chlorine bleach (Clorox). If they cannot be laundered, you can wrap the items in large plastic bags and tie them for at least 2 weeks (stuffed animals, toys, pillows, etc). Leaving the bags in hot dry areas such as an attic in the summer months is recommended.

Successfully treating head lice is an ordeal with specific attention to detail in the environment. All combs, hats and clothing must be washed or discarded, etc.

Another way to get rid of head lice is straightening your hair. It probably wont kill the bugs, but is effective at killing eggs, because of the heat. The reason it wont kill the bugs is because the bugs are on your scalp, and the eggs are on your actual hair.

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13y ago
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13y ago

Some ways that I removed head lice were the mayo treatment. Plus I soaked my hair in water for like 5 minutes because it drown them. Also, every night I had my mom (not my boyfriend, because it's not sexy) look through my hair for any nits or anything and had them pull it out. I also made sure that I didn't use anyone else hair tie, brush, comb, straightener, ect... How awful would it be to give someone annoying head lice. Plus, make sure you're hair is clean. I don't know if it's one way of removing them but I'd imagine it makes it easier for them to live in dirty hair than clean hair.

I hope I help and Good Luck with removing them!

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13y ago

yes because when a lice bug lays eggs in your hair/head you need to treat your head to get rid of bugs and then comb your hair with fine tooth comb and then do not wash your hair to 1-2 days after treating and then every day after that for a week get an adult to check hair for lice bugs or nits which is lice eggs and then all of the lice is gone and not to worry about until you catch it again and 2 things that are great to use on hair is lice-B-gone and rid those are some really good products to use and they got rid of many peoples lice and a bunch of then were friends. SO GET RID OF YOUR LICE TO HAVE A ITCH FREE SCALP

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12y ago

You could put the special medicine/treatment you would put on hair for killing lice, but there is an easier, much simpler way of killing louse eggs (lice eggs or as called, nits). Get a brush for scraping out lice (DO NOT USE A HAIRBRUSH) and keep scraping near the scalp. It is where lice live.

Use a toothpick or some small sharp object to scrape out the eggs and kill it by leaning your thumbnail on the egg. You will hear a loud crack! If you don't, it is either a dead egg or you did not successfully kill it. I hope this helps!

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13y ago

Soak your head in vinegar and water for as long as you can stand it (it may sting a little). This won't insure that all eggs are dead, but it should help. I'm afraid there isn't much else you can do besides picking them out with your fingers or a nit-comb.

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11y ago

Yes, it is possible. Here is some information about lice:

Head lice are parasites that can infest people's scalps. They are usually transmitted via person-to-person contact, but can occasionally be transmitted by clothes or other means. Lice infestations are often a problem with school aged children, but can affect anyone. Treating lice can be a lengthy process, but does not necessarily require any prescription shampoos.

It also can take up to one week to get rid of. If you take a bottle of Rid shampoo (lice killing shampoo), dog's flea shampoo, and alcohol (medical bottle) is easier to kill the lice.


Be prepared to 'fight a long battle'. Adult lice and immature lice are pretty easy to get rid of, but their eggs (called nits) are much harder to get rid of, and it is with these that the most problems crop up. People can think that they got rid of lice, but then get another case of lice from just a couple of eggs. Constant vigilance (daily combing) will be necessary to win this 'battle'.


Buy a quality lice treatment (also known as a pediculicide). You should be able to buy one over the counter at a local drug store. You should also get a quality nit comb (a normal comb is not fine enough to remove nits and lice from hair); a flea comb for pets may also be used. I suggest Rid Shampoo. Link below.


Apply the lice treatment to the hair. Be sure to follow the treatment instructions, especially regarding the duration the treatment should be left on the hair and how it should be removed. You may need to buy another bottle to treat someone with very long hair.


Remove the treatment from the hair as directed. Note that you should not shampoo or condition the hair with normal shampoo or conditioner for 1-2 days following treatment.


Make sure the person with the lice then changes into clean clothes following the treatment. This is very important - if not done, lice could stay on the clothing and spread.

6 Wait 8-12 hours (or as directed). Use the nit comb to remove the dead lice (and any ones still living) from the hair. If you find lots of live lice at this point, you may need a more effective pediculicide; contact your doctor for a recommendation.

7 Comb the hair with the nit comb and carefully check the scalp of the infested person daily. Continue this process for 2 or 3 weeks to ensure that all of the lice are gone. Most lice treatments require a second application after about 10 days to kill any lice that may have hatched since the initial treatment.

8 Clean all of the infected person's contaminated belongings: clothes, towels, and bedding will need to be washed in hot water, and their room thoroughly. Use the hottest setting on the dryer and dry for the longest time you can without harming the fabric.

As seen above: Rid Shampoo & Other products

Visit the related link for more information.

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14y ago

shave head bag up clothes wash all clothes bed linen

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12y ago

With a special cream at stores giant,cvs

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Q: How to kill the head lice and it's eggs in a similar way?
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Can head lice revive?

No but if you don't kill all of the eggs, they hatch into new lice.

How do you kill or get rid of head lice and babies and eggs?

Baby Oil works, and there are products specially designed for getting head lice out

Can bromine kill head lice?

Yes, bromine can be an effective treatment for killing head lice. Bromine is a chemical compound that is commonly used in certain head lice treatments to effectively eliminate lice and their eggs. It works by disrupting the lice's nervous system and leading to their death.

Can head and shoulders kill lice eggs?

not likely. If it did,it would advertise the fact.

Will beer kill head lice?

no, beer can not kill head lice

Does Clear-Lice kill lice and their eggs?


What to do when you get lice?

The mature, grown, lice will leave eggs or nits in the hair. those eggs will hatch and turn into mature, grown, lice. This process with keep repeating until you get all lice and lice eggs out of the hair!

What will kill lice in a helmet?

Seal it in a ziplock bag for a week or so. That will kill any lice, eggs, or nits residing in the helmet. They can't live if they don't have a head to live apon!

What kills lice on furniture?

To kill lice on furniture, you can vacuum the furniture thoroughly to remove any adult lice, eggs, or nymphs. You can also use a steam cleaner on the furniture to kill lice and their eggs effectively. Additionally, you can treat the furniture with a pesticide specifically designed to kill lice and their eggs.

Will flat ironing your hair kill lice eggs?

Though there is scientific evidence to support that heat will kill head lice, the risk of possibly scalding the scalp with the flat iron is a risk. Lice lay their eggs very close to the scalp. Nits usually hatch by the time the hair has grown 1/4 inch. Here's a link to Dr. Richard Pollack's head lice site at Harvard with an answer to this question: chart shows all current FDA approved head lice medications:

Does herbal essences shampoo kill lice?

No. Shampoo does not kill lice. Lice and their eggs (nits) need to be manually removed and you need to use some kind of insecticide to actually kill the lice and nits.Go tohttp://www.head-lice-treatment-information.comfor pictures and an understanding of the life cycle of head lice.They also can direct you to a safe non toxic head lice treatment that is actually a natural insecticide that is bad for lice but safe for humans.

Why is it difficult to kill head lice before they hatch?

because they will already be on the loose placing lots of more eggs