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Each case is decided on individual basis, and you yourself cannot make the necessary decisions without the approval of a court of law. You would need to consult a mental health specialist and/or attorney. You could also consult the state department of children and families, or mental health, or the equivalent in your state.

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Q: How to have someone committed to a mental facility US Pennsylvania?
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How could you admit your daughter to a hospital for help with her mental problems?

If she is a minor, you simply take her to the hospital and have her admitted. If she is an adult, she'll need to consent. There is a provision where someone can be committed to a mental facility against their will if he/she is a danger to themselves or others. If you believe this is the case, contact the facility to look into the necessary steps.

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Yes you can divorce someone who is committed to a mental hospital or home. Talk with a lawyer about it for exact details. Make sure you have all of your papers in order when speaking with a lawyer.

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Unless their defense can prove that it was on account of their mental deficiency that they committed the crime. At the very least they should be remanded to a secure mental facility for either treatment or incarceration.

Can you have someone committed in the state of louisianna?

A person can be committed to a mental health institution ". If the court finds by clear and convincing evidence that the respondent is dangerous to self or others or is gravely disabled, as a result of substance abuse or mental illness, it shall render a judgment for his commitment." So essentially if the person is a potential danger to themselves or others they can be involuntarily committed.

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A mental institution is a facility used in theory for the care and well-being of patients with mental challenges.

How long do they hold you in ER for suicidal thoughts?

Generally you will not be held in the ER, but transferred to a mental health facility. The normal hold time for someone that is suicidal is a minimum of 72 hours.

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What is the icd9 code for screening for admission to mental health facility?

V79.9 (Special screening for mental disorders and developmental handicaps; unspecified mental disorder and developmental handicap)

How can you have someone commitrd to a mental facility that has a bipolar disorder?

In most states a 72 hour hold is easy to get, any police officer or doctor can write one. Longer commitments can require a judge and lawyers.

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a mental facility for teenagers