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A neuron is able to conduct electrical signals and/or neural impulses by means of the movement of electrically charged ions along and into and out of sections of the neuron.

A neural signal is initiated in a neuron as neurotransmitter chemicals are released by another neuron into a small space near the neuron. As the neurotransmitters diffuse across the gap (called a synapse), they move into receptor sites on the post-synaptic neuron. The receptors are cave-like hollows or pits which are part of ligand-gated sodium ion pores, which also have a tunnel part which can be opened or closed. The tunnel part, the pore, is normally closed, but when the neurotransmitter fits into the receptor site, its presence causes the tunnel ( the pore) to open, and allow sodium ions into the post-synaptic neuron.

As the electrically charged ions enter the neuron, they repel one another away from the entry point, in a process called electrotonic conduction, moving down the dendrite and along the surface of the soma (body of the neuron), until they pile up at the beginning of the axon, at the axon hillock. This movement of ions amount to an electrical current.

At the axon hillock, if the voltage manifested by the piled up ions is high enough, it will cause voltage-gated sodium ion pores to open in the initial segment of the axon, allowing more electrically charged sodium ions in, which opens more nearby v-gated Na ion pores, which lets more sodium ions in, and this process continues down the axon in a process called an action potential, which simply means a 'moving' or 'active' voltage (potential), which constitutes an electrical signal, specifically an impulse (because at any point along the axon the membrane voltage rises suddenly to a peak value, and then falls back to the resting membrane voltage).

The result of all of this is that a voltage has moved along the neuron, as an electric signal.

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An impulse travels in one direction across a synapse, from the presynaptic neuron to the postsynaptic neuron. This ensures that the signal transmission in the nervous system is unidirectional.

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Impulse conduction refers to the propagation of action potentials along a single neuron or muscle fiber. Impulse transmission involves the transfer of action potentials from one neuron to another across a synapse. In summary, conduction occurs within a single cell, while transmission occurs between cells.

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The impulse has to cross over a synapse to another neuron or an effector.

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If a neuron is not sending out an impulse or signal, this means the neuron is at rest. Neurons send signals electrochemically.

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The transmission between neurons depends on the number of neurotransmitters that are present. If there aren't enough transmitters, the impulse is not passed into the second neuron, meaning it's cut down. If there are enough, it leads to an action potential (nerve impulse) in the second neuron. The nerve system is a rather confusing, and very technical, system in the body.

Is it correct that synaptic clefts prevents an impulse from being transmitted directly from one neuron to another?

Yes, that is correct. The synaptic cleft is a small gap between neurons, and it prevents direct transmission of impulses. When an impulse reaches the end of a neuron, it triggers the release of chemical messengers called neurotransmitters into the synaptic cleft. These neurotransmitters then bind to receptors on the adjacent neuron, allowing the impulse to be transmitted indirectly.

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