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Sperm transfers during sexual intercourse between a man and a woman when the man ejaculates into the woman. The act of sexual intercourse is the male inserting his penis into the vagina of the female then thrusting it back n forth until an ejaculation is made through orgasm.

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15y ago
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16y ago

Normally through sexual intercouse, which involves the penis entering the vagina, until the male ejaculates, meaning the semen is expelled into the vagina. The semen contains the sperm.

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13y ago

for how long can i take feimbion befor getting pergnancy.

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through the urethra

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Q: How sperm of a man transferred into female?
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Does sperm enter by hugging n smooching?

never. sperm can only be transferred from the genitalia of man (pennis) via the vagina of female to arrive the oviduct to meet the egg, fertilization occures afterward. of course, sperm can also be placed into the egg by artificial/manual means.

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There are two types of chromosome, called X and Y. Semen contains X sperm and Y sperm. If the Y sperm fertilises the female ovum, the child will be male. If the X sperm fertilises the female ovum, the child will be female. A man's chromosomes will be XY and a woman's chromosomes will be XX. The man's sperm always determines the gender of the baby.

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no that is not possible. The man has a penis and a women has a vigina and the male can produce sperm and a female can't she has an egg that when a couple have relationships sperm transport to the egg of the female.

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because the sperm going to the eggs inside the female that can make the cutee little baaby

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In worms, sperm sacs serve as the storage site for sperm produced by the male reproductive system. These sacs store the sperm until it is transferred to the female during mating, allowing for efficient fertilization of eggs.

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A man cannot put his hand in an ovary unless he is a surgeon and has cut her open. Females do not have sperm. No, there isn't going to be a pregnancy.

Sperm contained in pollen grains are primarily transferred to an egg by?

Pollen is carried on the stamen of the male flower and has to be deposited on the stigma of a female flower to fertilise it.

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In conifers, such as pines, sperm contained in pollen grains are primarily transferred to an egg by wind pollination. This process involves the dispersion of pollen from male cones to female cones through the air. Once the pollen reaches the female cone, it fertilizes the egg to form a seed.

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How long for female sperm to reach egg?

Only males have sperm. There is no such thing as female sperm.

Does female sperm deadly if intake?

What the fek is female sperm? Youre stupid.

Do earthworms use internal or external fertilization?

Earthworms use internal fertilization. During copulation, sperm is transferred from male to female through the male's specialized structures called seminal vesicles. The female then stores the sperm in her spermatheca until she is ready to fertilize her eggs.