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Different blood borne diseases have different incubation periods.

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Q: How soon will you see symptoms after you have been infected with a blood-borne disease?
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What are some symptoms of the trichinosis disease?

Trichinosis disease is a parasitic disease that is caused by eating raw or undercooked pork or wild game that has been infected with the larvae of roundworm. Some of the symptoms of trichinosis are fever, chills, muscle soreness and pain, itching and joint pain. It also can cause intestinal and abdominal discomfort such as diarrhea and nausea.

How many blood borne diseases are there?

There are several bloodborne diseases, including HIV, hepatitis B, and hepatitis C. These diseases can be transmitted through contact with infected blood or bodily fluids and can have serious health consequences if not properly managed. It is important to practice safe behaviors to prevent the spread of bloodborne diseases.

What are the symptoms of someone that has been infected by the Aedes Mosquito?

loss of fluid in body,vomittings,nightfever,

What is the difference between sub-clinical case and case in incubation period?

A sub-clinical case refers to an individual who is infected but does not exhibit any symptoms of the disease, whereas a case in the incubation period is an infected individual who has been exposed to the pathogen but has not yet developed symptoms. In essence, sub-clinical cases do not develop symptoms at all, while cases in the incubation period will eventually develop symptoms after the latent period.

Why do amebiasis symptoms vary?

Recently, it has been discovered that persons with symptom-causing amebiasis are infected with Entamoeba histolytica, and those individuals who exhibit no symptoms are actually infected with an almost identical-looking ameba called Entamoeba dispar.

How long does it take rickettsialpox symptoms to appear?

After a person has been bitten by an infected mite, there is a delay of about 10 days to three weeks prior to the onset of symptoms.

What is a host of a disease?

A host of a disease is an organism that serves as a habitat for a pathogen to grow and reproduce. The pathogen can cause harm to the host by causing disease symptoms. In the context of infectious diseases, humans can serve as hosts for various pathogens like bacteria, viruses, and parasites.

Can doctors tell how long a person has been infected with AIDS?

Depending on the symptoms, they can estimate an approximate date, but not exactly when.

Are three-toed sloths affected by disease?

Yes, every organism in history has been suseptable to at least one form of disease.

How many types of Gaucher disease are there?

Three types of Gaucher disease have been identified, but there are many variations in how symptoms develop.

How do I know what chronic lyme disease is?

If your dog shows any of the following symptoms, they may be been bitten by a tick infected with Lyme disease:Fever (some dogs do not develop a fever)Loss of AppetitePain in the legs or bodyArthritis or joint swellingLethargic behaviorDepressionCoughEnlargement of the lymph nodes (deer ticks)If you think your dog has lime disease, you should take him/her to the vet for evaluation.

Is it possible to cure an animal once they have been infected by black disease?

Clostridium novyi, also known as black disease, is always fatal in cattle and sheep.