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Nowadays, most pregnancy tests can give a result as soon as a period is due.

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Q: How soon can a pregnancy test be taken?
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Related questions

How soon after conception can you take a pregnancy test?

As soon as your missed period. Blood tests can be taken even before.

How soon will a pregnancy show up on a pregnancy test?

After your period is due.

Why does your pregnancy test say negative?

Because you're not pregnant or because you have taken it too soon or not used an early morning specimen of urine.

How soon you can use home pregnancy test?

as soon as you think you are pregnant ,just take the test to see.

How soon can be test pregnancy?

i have no freekin idea why are you asking me this?

The last period was March 7th and had spotting on April 7th and again on May 7th. Taken pregnancy test they have come back negative. Is there still a possibility of pregnancy?

If you have not actually had your period it is still possible. Pregnancy tests measure hormones, which might not be high enough the first time the test is taken. If you took the test to soon but still have not experienced a normal period, you may want to take another test.

Am I pregnant or sick?

Pregnancy and illness are easily differentiated by a urine pregnancy test. A urine pregnancy test will detect pregnancy hormone as soon as 10-12 days after conception.

How soon can you go to doctor for the test?

For a pregnancy test in about a day after you had sex to see if your pregnant.

You are almost 4 months late and you have taken serveral pregnancy test but they have all been negative What would you do?

go to the doctors and get a blood test. sometimes if you do a HPT too soon or wrong it can come out negative. the best way to tell is to get a blood test that can better tell the levels of the pregnancy hormone (:

Have you recently taken a positive pregnancy test stick"?

"Have you recently tested positive for pregnancy?"

Have you recently taken a positive pregnancy test strip"?

"Have you recently tested positive for pregnancy?"

When can you take a pregnancy test how soon?

you can take a pregnancy test whenever you please. if you take it anytime after your missed period though, your test will turn out more effective.